A Quote by Kanye West

Taste and style is beyond clothes. It's in food; it's in quality. Working out, healthy bodies, organic food-they're all part of the same thing. — © Kanye West
Taste and style is beyond clothes. It's in food; it's in quality. Working out, healthy bodies, organic food-they're all part of the same thing.
What's interesting about fashion is it's a world, and I think that's what I've done - I've made a contribution and I think I've built a world. The world is beyond just clothes. Taste and style is beyond clothes. It's in food; it's in quality.
As incisively pointed out in the documentary Food Inc.," an overwhelmingly large percentage of "new," healthy," and "organic" alternative food products are actually owned by the same parent companies that scared us into the organic aisle in the first place. "They got you comin' and goin'" has never been truer.
We do not subsidize organic food. We subsidize these four crops - five altogether, but one is cotton - and these are the building blocks of fast food. One of the ways you democratize healthy food is you support healthy food.
Much more has to be done to democratize the food movement. One of the reasons that healthy food is more expensive than unhealthy food is that the government supports unhealthy food and does very little to support healthy food, whether you mean organic or grass-fed or whatever.
Food movement organic food stores supplies health food products and facilitate with instrumental support in organic agriculture.
If we pursue organic farming as our healthy food style, we can bring down cost of treatment to a great extent.
Look what consumer power has done with organic food; we can do the same with clothes.
One of the problems is that the US government supports unhealthy food and does very little to support healthy food. I mean, we subsidize high fructose corn syrup. We subsidize hydrogenated corn oil. We do not subsidize organic food. We subsidize four crops that are the building blocks of fast food. And you also have to work on access. We have food deserts in our cities. We know that the distance you live from a supplier of fresh produce is one of the best predictors of your health.
Food is a great literary theme. Food in eternity, food and sex, food and lust. Food is a part of the whole of life. Food is not separate.
We must go beyond organic, as it is currently defined in the National Organic Standards, and strive for food that is not only healthful and natural but also local... Buying locally means farmers get more of the food dollar, we get better nutrition, and less fuel is consumed in transport.
When I feel like treating myself, I'll either turn to food or clothes. Bad food. Expensive clothes. Ironically, I'm usually rewarding myself for a solid week of healthy eating or a nice paycheque.
America isn't as lucky as you guys (Europeans), who for the most part have this quality of food that keeps you slim. We're over-eaters in the United States by nature, with fast food and all this kind of thing.
Organic is loaded with a sense of rightness, with a set of rules. I would much rather someone bought food that was local and sustainable but not organic than bought organic food that had to be shipped across the world.
Go organic in whatever you can, whether it is organic make-up or food. It's important to keep your body healthy.
When you grow up where healthy food isn't easily accessible, you eat a lot of processed food and whatever else is available - McDonalds, fast food, cheap food.
Don't eat processed food, refined food but rather organic food from the earth - nothing with genetically - modified ingredients.
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