A Quote by Kara Walker

Silhouettes are reductions, and racial stereotypes are also reductions of actual human beings. — © Kara Walker
Silhouettes are reductions, and racial stereotypes are also reductions of actual human beings.
If we don't start with rapid emissions reductions and substantial emissions reductions, then we will pass a danger point, beyond which the consequences for many people and countries on Earth will simply become unacceptable and eventually disastrous.
You want to do tax reductions, you want to do permanent tax reduction, reductions in spending. You've got to go out and explain it to the people, get them on your side and have them become the levers that you need in congressional relations.
Racism is a perceptive error, and what you actually have to do is you have to get into spaces where you're meeting people and perceiving them as human beings and not as racial stereotypes and myths.
I accept that in a free society you have to justify reductions in people's liberties. I accept that, bearing in mind my starting point is that the most important human right is the right to life.
With every day that goes by, there will be further reductions on what's left of the season.
One of the paradoxes of globalization is that, in the developing world, we've seen massive reductions in property.
We accelerated our capital spending in the fourth quarter, particularly in international and next-generation network deployment, which should not only sustain future revenue growth but also drive significant cost reductions across all communications services.
I have been very encouraged by President Obama's call to action on climate change both at his Inauguration and in the State of the Union Address. This is a global imperative. I also welcome President Obama's intention to pursue reductions in nuclear arsenals.
It may also be pertinent to ask whether a greater effort in the less expensive basic stages of research may not lead to reductions of effort in the far costlier stages of development and prototype construction.
The road to energy independence, economic recovery, and greenhouse gas reductions runs through the building sector.
Raising interest rates might lead to some initial reductions in wealth by lowering asset prices, but it could also take a bite out of your paycheck and dampen your prospects of finding a job. It's a bit of damned if you do and damned if you don't.
There is no threshold level of fine particle pollution below which health risk reductions are not achieved by reduced exposure.
Democrats will play the old Washington game of calling reductions in the rate of growth of spending for any program a 'cut'.
The President is destroying the fabric of America with a combined policy of war, tax cuts for the wealthy, and reductions in spending for domestic needs.
Programs that pay farmers not to farm often devastate rural areas. The reductions hurt everyone from fertilizer companies to tractor salesmen.
Oil is once again robbing the industry of a return to profitability. Cost reductions and efficiency gains have never been more critical.
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