A Quote by Karamo Brown

Celebrities have a platform, and people listen to them. And there's a lot of people that we are able to touch, who aren't watching activists and aren't watching the news, that are watching what celebrities say.
People say a lot of mess about celebrities. In the social media world, celebrities are able to go online and see nice things and horrible things written about them - but these people on the Internet wouldn't have the guts to say it to their face.
The truth is I don't watch a lot of news, except for when I'm here at the office watching Fox News. I get my news online primarily when I'm not watching the channel.
People are watching TV, they're watching some clips on their iPhone. I mean, some folks are sitting there on the iPhone, watching the Colbert Report, and meanwhile there's a huge plasma TV right in front of them that they could be watching it on.
When I was five years old, I remember watching the opening of the Oscars with my mother and crying as I watched celebrities walk in on the red carpet. Why would any child cry watching the Oscars? For me, the reason was simple: I wanted to be there so badly that I burst into tears.
I have spoofed celebrities before, but it's hard for me because I picture them watching it.
Watching the evening news in 2011 is a strange time-travel experience. 'The CBS Evening News,' 'ABC World News' and 'NBC Nightly News' haven't changed their style over the decades, still going for that old-fashioned mix of voice-of-authority pomp and feel-good fluff. The difference is that people aren't watching.
People have always been fascinated by people in the public eye and what they wear, what they are doing, but not in a tabloid way. Tabloid celebrities are a turnoff. A lot of celebrities...you wonder why they are celebrities.
I find that you learn from others. It's very much about watching TV and watching movies for me and grasping that way and watching other people act.
I listen to archival and historic recordings. I love watching singers. I learned a lot from watching videos.
I love people, watching people interact. It's a lot of psychology. We learn about ourselves by watching other people's lives on the screen.
I always had watched pro wrestling. I happened to be watching the WWE Network one day and started watching differently: I wasn't watching it as a fan, but instead I was watching it as something that I could possibly be a part of.
The premise that we're working with is that when most people go to a show, they're not really watching what's going on onstage. They may be watching what's on the screen. But when the songs are playing in their mind's eye, they're actually watching a movie.
Everybody has their own approach. I don't adhere to any one philosophy. I learn a lot from life and people - watching and other people watching.
Though I do believe that when you live in political times it is inevitable that your art be political, I also think we need to start making activists celebrities rather than trying to make celebrities to be activists.
Some people say that watching pay freezes in the government is like watching water freeze. It expands.
Celebrities say they date other celebrities because they have the same job. But I think they just like dating famous people. Celebrities attract each other, like cattle.
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