A Quote by Karen Duffy

You become a parent when you have a baby, no matter how you get there. — © Karen Duffy
You become a parent when you have a baby, no matter how you get there.
Every time you give a parent a sense of success or of empowerment, you're offering it to the baby indirectly. Because every time a parent looks at that baby and says 'Oh, you're so wonderful,' that baby just bursts with feeling good about themselves.
No matter how much you love your spouse, you won't love them in the same way you do your baby. It's a different love, and everything changes. You have to figure out how to parent together.
The thing that every parent hopes for is that the baby's healthy, I'm healthy. No matter how you feel, that's the most important thing.
Parenthood is a great equalizer. It doesn't matter how famous you are - once you become a parent, you are just like everyone else.
It's so hard [to be parent] and no matter how old you get and how experienced you get you're always scared you're going to screw it up and you're going to make a mistake.
When you're a parent, you spend time with the baby. You look at the baby's face and envision her future and what you have to do as a parent to make sure she's financially good and that she's comfortable inside of the family and that she's positive and learning every day.
You have to always continue to strive no matter how hard things get, no matter how troubled you feel. No matter how tough things get, no matter how many times you lose, you keep trying to win.
Everyone talks about how hard it is to have a kid, and that scares you into waiting. It obviously is tough [to be a parent], but when you feel that love, and it's instant, and it's so cool, so fun. When your baby smiles at you or when you just hold your baby, it's a pretty awesome feeling.
The traditional paradigm of parenting has been very hierarchical, the parent knows best and very top down. Conscious parenting topples [this paradigm] on its head and creates this mutuality, this circularity where both parent and child serve each other and where in fact, perhaps, the child could be even more of a guru for the parent .... teaching the parent how the parent needs to grow, teaching the parent how to enter the present moment like only children know how to do.
When you become a parent, you have all these ideas about how you're going to treat your kids as they get older. But as you get to those points it always changes. I actually like the surprises.
Instead of having a baby, why dont you get a tattoo of a baby first, and see how that works out for six months to a year, and then see if you're ready to have a baby.
I think once you're a mother, you kind of always see your kids as a baby anyway no matter how old they get.
A decent person does not alienate children from a parent, no matter how angry they are at the parent for the divorce. It's unfair to the children, and it's unfair to the other human being
In bringing my baby to work, I am happy to be a visible reminder of how messy and difficult it is to be a working parent.
I always told my girls growing up that I would not baby them through life, and no matter how blessed they are financially, they have to get an education!
I think any songwriter or record, no matter how good it is, can become tedious if it's the same person's point of view. After four tracks, you start to get worn down no matter how good it is. It can be relentlessly good, but it's still going to wear you out.
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