A Quote by Karlheinz Stockhausen

And I'm always interested when other musicians are trying to discover new worlds of sound. — © Karlheinz Stockhausen
And I'm always interested when other musicians are trying to discover new worlds of sound.
Literature is always trying to show other parts of this immense universe in which we live. It's endless. I'm sure there will be other writers who will discover new worlds.
I'm interested in new worlds, new universes, new challenges. I always said the only reason to make a film is not for the result but for what you learn for the next one.
The task of man is not to discover new worlds, but to discover his own world in terms of human comprehension and beauty.
The Lord may want to colonise other Worlds with His new perfect children! What's the whole Universe for and all this huge amount of space if He's only interested in colonising one little Planet? What an incubation! What an incubator for other civilizations!-Right here on the New Earth and the Heavenly City!
Rooney was like marrying a high school sweetheart. And then you're like, 'I think we need some time to see other people,' and those other people are new musicians. Starsystem is like a new marriage with new musicians.
I've always been interested in invisible worlds, and I like to visit digital worlds, you know, any world that's imposed on us.
I've become more interested in creating a band sound than trying to outshine the other guys.
I guess I have a short attention span! I'm interested in new worlds, new universes, new challenges.
And now good morrow to our waking souls, Which watch not one another out of fear; For love, all love of other sights controls, And makes one little room, an everywhere. Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone, Let maps to other, worlds on worlds have shown, Let us possess one world, each hath one, and is one.
Musicians like to converse. There's always interesting conversation with musicians - with classical musicians, with jazz musicians, musicians in general.
I'm very interested in vertical space.I want the players to listen to their sound in such a way that they hear the complete sound they make before they make another one. So that means that they hear the tail of the sound. Because of the reverberation, there's always more to the sound than just the sound.
I'm not trying to sound mean spirited, but I honestly don't know of many successful musicians who get that excited about other current artists' music. You're either a music fan, or you're a working musician.
I'm always trying to experiment and come up with new palettes of sound and new combinations of music that you haven't really seen or heard in film before.
I always dream about other musicians. And they're never interested in hanging out with us. It's like being at school and the bigger boys don't want to play with you!
People criticize you for trying new things. I think, 'I'm new! I'm 22!' I don't know exactly what my sound is or what I want my album to sound like, so I'm not releasing it yet. While I'm experimenting, I'll let you in on the journey, and you can hear it for free.
Over the years I have photographed thousands of people. I have never stopped being curious and trying to discover new worlds. I have used my camera as a mirror for my subjects as well. I remember photographing a woman in her 80s for my book, Wise Women, who told me it had been a long time since anyone had really been interested in "seeing" or photographing her. When she saw the picture, she burst into tears. She saw something in the photograph, an inner beauty and soul, she felt had long ago vanished.
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