A Quote by Karren Brady

I love and embrace change. — © Karren Brady
I love and embrace change.
As self-governing entities, artists have a profound interest in change. Embracing change, we embrace growth and we embrace our future.
Love is such a powerful force. It's there for everyone to embrace-that kind of unconditional love for all of humankind. That is the kind of love that impels people to go into the community and try to change conditions for others, to take risks for what they believe in.
Any time there's significant change, there's going to be some people who embrace the change and others who are against the change.
This league does teach you that it's inevitable that there's constant change, and you always have to continue to embrace change, adapt with change.
I think the growth of the brain is a slow process. But you do change and the more you accept change and embrace change, the better.
Are you on the eve of change? Embrace it. Accept it. Don't resist it. Change is not only a part of life, change is a necessary part of God's strategy. To use us to change the world, he alters our assignments.
Embrace what makes up you. Some stereotypes are true - I love chicken, but that's a stereotype, I love f**king basketball, but that's a stereotype, too. But who cares? Embrace it. Be who you are, and don't be ashamed of what that is.
Embrace the fact that you are different... Don't think you're alone. Embrace it. Love it.
Some people don't like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster.
Love is a mystery. We embrace it where we can. Mostly we do not choose whom we love. It just happens. A voice speaks to us, in ways the ears cannot hear. We recognize a beauty the eye does not see. We experience a change in our hearts that no voice can describe.
Embrace change, even when the change slaps you in the face.
The biggest embrace of love you'll ever make is to embrace yourself completely. Then you'll realize you've just embraced the whole universe, and everything and everybody in it.
As much as people say they love change, they love it when you change - not when you want them to change. Even when it comes to processes they don't like, they're afraid of change.
Most of us were taught that God would love us if and when we change. In fact, God loves you so that you can change. What empowers change, what makes you desirous of change is the experience of love. It is that inherent experience of love that becomes the engine of change.
I've always had a saying, 'Change is good.' I don't shy away from it, I embrace it. Make the most out of everything. Sometimes change is a blessing in disguise.
I think that we have two things going on in the world right now. We have one sort of vibe that's love who you are, be yourself, love your flaws, embrace your body, embrace your inner beauty, all of that. And then we have another very looks-based thing happening at the same time, you know?
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