A Quote by Karrine Steffans

I don't believe in regrets. I don't think regrets actually exist. I think regrets are things people make up in their heads. So, I don't regret anything. Everything turned out exactly the way it was supposed to.
With every decision you make in your life, you're going to have some regrets about the way it goes. You just have to chose which set of regrets you can live with the best, and try to minimize the amount of regrets you have.
I don't do regrets. Regrets are pointless. It's too late for regrets. You've already done it, haven't you? You've lived your life. No point wishing you could change it.
Regrets? I think everyone has regrets, and people who say they haven't are either liars or narcissists
Regrets? I think everyone has regrets, and people who say they haven't are either liars... or narcissists.
I'm one of those fellas who's got lots of regrets, but I don't regret having regrets.
Regrets are idle; yet history is one long regret. Everything might have turned out so differently.
No regrets, none at all. My only regret is that we went out on penalties. That's my only regret but no, no regrets.
If I had to live again I would do exactly the same thing. Of course I have regrets, but if you are 60 years old and you have no regrets then you haven't lived.
I have a lot of regrets, but I'm not going to think of them as regrets.
Of course no player wants to end their career with regrets. I don't think any human being likes having regrets either.
I have tons of regrets, but I think that's one of the reasons that push people to create things. Out of their angst, their regret, comes the best from artists, painters and writers.
I have no regrets on anything. People ask me all the time, 'Do I have any regrets?' I don't have any. If I could back and do it all over, would I change anything? No.
It's pathetic to have regrets about fashion. Things to do with my life, yes, I have regrets there.
I have shot myself in the foot so many times, I'm crippled. Look, I am not exactly Mr. Great Career Guy. I shoot actually what I think. In a weird way, I used to think that was really messed up. Now I think it's okay. Mistakes, once you don't repeat the same mistakes, have no regrets. Live and learn. We mess up, so what. But know why you messed up and don't make the same mistake.
I can say, "I don't have anything I regret!" But I can also say, "I can go forward in my life the way it is and I don't think I'll accrue any future regrets."
For any girl who has a dream, they just need to go for it. I think sometimes our fears hold us back, and it's about having no fears and living with no regrets. Whether you fail or you succeed, just make sure you have no regrets.
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