A Quote by Kate DiCamillo

I've been recognized in airports lots of places, but mostly getting recognized is at home. — © Kate DiCamillo
I've been recognized in airports lots of places, but mostly getting recognized is at home.
People in college, if you're getting recognized for getting good grades, you're finally famous. If you get recognized for playing the drums, if you're being recognized for making good ass beats, good ass raps, good ass interviews like this one, you're finally famous.
The thing about hip-hop is that it's from the underground, ideas from the underbelly, from people who have mostly been locked out, who have not been recognized.
He had a Halloween party and I dressed up as The King. One of the more enjoyable nights I've had. Nobody recognized me. They recognized me, but they recognized me as Elvis. I might have to bring that back to Indianapolis.
I got recognized more by little sweet Italian fans in six days than I've ever been recognized in L.A. in six years.
One of the first places I was ever recognized after 'The Office' came out was at Target in Los Angeles. Someone came up to me, and she said, 'Are you Phyllis from 'The Office?'' We were in different aisles, but she had recognized my voice.
I busted my tail for so long, I'm just glad it's getting recognized now as part of the WWE. Because let's face it, the WWE is the biggest company out there when it comes to wrestling. I'm just happy that I'm being recognized as somebody who works hard, I guess.
To get recognized in New York is weird because that's definitely a place you shouldn't be recognized.
And what physicians say about disease is applicable here: that at the beginning a disease is easy to cure but difficult to diagnose; but as time passes, not having been recognized or treated at the outset, it becomes easy to diagnose but difficult to cure. The same thing occurs in affairs of state; for by recognizing from afar the diseases that are spreading in the state (which is a gift given only to the prudent ruler), they can be cured quickly; but when, not having been recognized, they are not recognized and are left to grow to the extent that everyone recognizes them, there is no longer any cure.
I'm in a great position now where I've got recognition. I'm not recognized too much. I think I'm recognized enough by the industry.
This doctrine of prenatal influence is now slowly being recognized, and science as well as religion calls out: 'Keep yourself holy, and pure.' So deeply has this been recognized in India, that there we even speak of adultery in marriage, except when marriage is consummated in prayer.
To me hip-hop is a culture and I became an MC to be recognized as a dope lyricist. That's what I wanted to be recognized as. So when I'm writing rhymes I always take it very seriously.
The first time I got recognized in public was at a movie theater. It was at the 'Lord of the Rings' movie premiere. I was at the movie theater, and someone came up, and it was so weird to me, because I had never been recognized by a viewer, so I thought that was scary.
I get recognized so much. It happens mostly when I'm in Starbucks.
One reason is because I was not being recognized the way I thought I should be recognized, so I stopped putting so much into what I was doing 'cause I was like 'Oh they don't care about it anyway...'
I get recognized so much. It happens mostly when Im in Starbucks.
I get recognized for 'Reaper' in the U.K. I was in Costa Rica and got recognized for 'Heroes.' In Canada, it's 'Rookie Blue.' People also think that I'm in the 'Twilight' series because of Kristen Stewart.
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