A Quote by Kate Mara

Eventually you get bored and you want to work. — © Kate Mara
Eventually you get bored and you want to work.
I was a wrestling fan long enough, and once in a while, I would get bored. I'd be on board with a superstar and love what he'd do. Then eventually, I would get bored with him. I don't want people to think that way of me, so I'm doing everything I can to make sure it doesn't happen.
I get bored with unintelligent scripts. When I read the first page and I can tell what is going to happen, I know I don't want to make the film. It's two months work and I would get deeply bored. I would even prefer to do something that didn't work at the box-office, so long as it kept my interest alive.
I'm taking probably the biggest risk of my career in playing the part in Filth. If you stop taking risks, then you get bored, or you just keep playing the same part, over and over again. Eventually audiences get bored of that, as well.
I don't want to play the same character again and again, because I'd get bored. If I get bored, so will the audience.
If I really want to be the best player in the country, all I have to do is work at it, and eventually, you're gonna get there.
I do give myself a break in my personal life but I think in work, if you don't push yourself you get bored and want to do something else.
You got to be interested in other things. If you focus on one thing, you're going to eventually - like, you're going to get bored with it, or you're going to get burned out on it.
If you're bored, your readers will be bored. If you're faking it, you won't get the kind of readers you want.
Writing can be wonderful therapy, and cheap at the price. At the very least, you eventually get bored by thinking about anxious topics and move on.
I never buy a piece of art. I don't see the point in buying something because I know my eyes will get bored of it eventually.
The thing is, as an actor, I get bored a little bit. I love to act. And between action and cuts, when you work for somebody great, it's wonderful and I still love it. The moment where you create, that instant is still magic to me. But, all the rest, I get bored with it - all the waiting, and the fact that you have to make appearances, that you have to share your life.
I get bored really easily. I get bored with people really easily. I get bored with routine easily. I don’t like things that are average, or normal. I care if I have the best – in the world about that - just wanting that great light that everybody looks at and goes ‘Ahhh’. I feel like that’s what I’ve found in my partner.
When I'm not doing something that comes deeply from me, I get bored. When I get bored I get distracted and when I get distracted, I become depressed. It's a natural resistance, and it insures your integrity.
People say, 'Why is he bored with her?' Because he's a human being, that's why; same way his wife is bored with him. That is marriage - anything that's supposed to be forever, your going to get bored with it. And there is nothing wrong with it, so don't take it personal; if you are with somebody for ten years and they are not bored with you? Then something is wrong with them.
I get bored with things easily. I always have to change something to keep myself excited. When I feel like I did a really good classical and acoustic album, the next thing I want to do is the opposite. And then I want to do the opposite of that. When I work alone after that, I feel like I should work with a lot of people. When I work with a lot of people after that, I feel that I should work alone.
Writing is such a good thing to do because you can't really get bored with it. If you're bored with writing, you're bored with life.
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