A Quote by Kate McKinnon

I love the produce section at the grocery store. — © Kate McKinnon
I love the produce section at the grocery store.
Ripe bananas are the mark of a good produce section. A good produce section is the mark of a superior grocery store. A superior grocery store is the mark of a good man.
When I walk into a grocery store and look at all the products you can choose, I say, "My God!" No king ever had anything like I have in my grocery store today.
In my entire life, any time I've ever lost something, I've gotten something even better going around the next corner. It's like one door closes and another door opens. As long as I can walk through the produce section in every grocery store in this country and eat the grapes that they're going to throw away, I know I can be fine.
One of my friend's dad owned a grocery store, and one of the kids who worked at the grocery store was a wrestler. We got tickets to one of the shows, and then we stayed after, and they asked us if we wanted to get in there and train a little bit.
I buy my produce at the local farmer's market, which is actually cheaper than shopping at the grocery store.
The thing I love most about going to a book store is the self-help section is the biggest section because Americans know we're screwed up. We know it. But we want to get better.
I hate turkeys. If you stand in the meat section at the grocery store long enough, you start to get mad at turkeys. There's turkey ham, turkey bologna, turkey pastrami. Some one needs to tell the turkey, 'man, just be yourself.'
I love the grocery store. I would never have my groceries delivered.
My father worked in a grocery store. When the grocery chain went into administration, he eventually got a job in the naval dockyard in an office preparing the charts for the boats and the submarines before they headed out.
Buy local fruits and veggies at the grocery store. You will support local businesses and cut down on all the fuel that is used to truck produce around from state to state.
I'll come in from a long flight and go straight to the grocery store. I love cooking for my man.
I love New York. I can walk half a block and I'm at the grocery store. I don't have to drive anywhere.
You know, I lose patience really easily; I'd rather shop in the grocery store than in the department store. I can pick an apple like nobody's business.
As for environmentalism, I'm only an environmentalist by accident. I live in New York, so I bike, and the closest grocery store to me sells organic produce. I also shop with a book bag because I ride a bike, and it's hard to carry the paper or plastic bags.
I guess I probably took New York for granted. Growing up, playing in the street, going down to the Avenue to the record store and to the grocery store and stuff like that.
It's what I do best - pry into people's business and mind their business. I can't help myself. I can't even go through the grocery line of the grocery store without talking to people and then giving them my opinion.
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