A Quote by Kate McKinnon

I've been told I'm a little bit eccentric. — © Kate McKinnon
I've been told I'm a little bit eccentric.
Everybody has been told already that they're too shy, too aggressive, too emotional, too reserved. They know what their fatal flaw is. They know the one thing to do to get better. But they just don't commit to changing because they feel a little bit in love with it, a little bit in love with the way they've been.
I can’t help feeling a little bit competitive and a little bit disappointed in myself that I’m already so far behind. After all, Yulikova thinks Barron has a real future with the Bureau. She told me so. I told her that sociopaths are relentlessly charming. I think she figured I was joking.
When you're 25, it's a little bit easier to be daring, especially if you are a pop star, because eccentric behavior is expected from you.
I think when people hear my book on Audible, they'll hear the inflection in my voice, the tone, and understand me a little bit better and understand my family a little bit better in the ways that I tell the stories. Some are told with laughter, and some are told with sadness.
I admire American women because they are really good at putting a look together that is sophisticated. As British girls, we lean toward being a bit more messy, a bit more undone, and maybe a little more eccentric.
I think a bit of mystery is good, and I used to feel like an eccentric person pretending to be normal. But I am actually just a normal person seeming eccentric, by what I'm putting myself through.
I've been so ridiculous all my life that a little bit more or a little bit less hardly matters now.
I guess there was a little bit of a slight rebellion, maybe a little bit of a renegade desire that made me realize at some point in my adolescence that I really liked pictures that told stories of things - genre paintings, historical paintings - the sort of derivatives we get in contemporary society.
That's not an easy message to deliver whether it's in war and peace or in the economic arena, people don't want to be told that all their problems have been solved and everything good so it's a little bit tricky.
I'm an artist, and I'm a bit weird, and I'm probably a bit eccentric.
It's been overlooked for a long time as a real public health problem. All of western society is a little bit sleep-deprived, and when I say a little bit, I mean chronically.
When I was a little bit younger The strain I was under could make me cry. Now I'm a little bit older, A little bit bolder, Never so shy
He (Shaithan) is extremely patient. He won't get you in one shot. He'll come at you and he'll put a little bit and a little bit and a little bit until he destroys your character.
Cigarettes and chocolate milk These are just a couple of my cravings Everything it seems I like's a little bit stronger A little bit thicker A little bit harmful for me.
I believe I've accomplished my goals of trying to get better every year, and a little bit of that, a little bit of luck, a little bit of everything just falls in place, and you end up on top.
Our hope is that every single day the work we're doing is helping to make the American people just a little bit safer, a little bit more prosperous, a little bit healthier.
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