A Quote by Kate Spade

Live in such a way, that if someone speaks badly of you no one would belive it. Playing dress-up begins at age five and never truly ends. — © Kate Spade
Live in such a way, that if someone speaks badly of you no one would belive it. Playing dress-up begins at age five and never truly ends.
As far as I'm concerned playing 'Dress Up' begins at the age of five, and never truly ends.
Playing dress up begins at age 5 and never really ends.
A good parson once said that where mystery begins religion ends. Cannot I say, as truly at least, of human laws, that where mystery begins justice ends?
Religion ends and philosophy begins, just as alchemy ends and chemistry begins, and astrology ends and astronomy begins.
Live in such a way that if someone should speak badly of you, no one would believe it.
My idea was you can't dress for the stage, you have to dress all the time like you're onstage. And so I would just always wear suits or some form of it. I wanted people to know I played music. That was kind of how you would find other people: you would just walk around looking a certain way and end up meeting someone who liked the way you look.
When someone is wearing a dress that makes her look fat, don't say 'That's a great dress.' It always comes off badly.
The romance of life begins and ends with two blank pages. Age and extreme old age.
If someone speaks badly of you, do not defend yourself against the accusations, but reply; "you obviously don't know about my other vices, otherwise you would have mentioned these as well
What I really like about 'Grit' - especially being the guy who goes on TV every week and says 'Never Give Up' and who truly tries to live his life to that credo - we recruited 16 people who said, 'I will never give up.' And the only way they can leave the contest is by doing the one thing they said they never would.
There are many ways to cover up our sin. We may justify or minimize it by blaming circumstances and others people. However, real repentance first admits sin as sin and takes full responsibility. True confession and repentance begins when blame shifting ends...Just as real repentance begins only where blame shifting ends, so it also begins where self-pity ends, and we start to turn from our sin out of love for God rather than mere self-interest.
I'd love to have a little Coco if I could have my way. I always dress up my dogs and they probably hate me for it, so it would be nice to dress up a human being.
The great mistake of the reformers is to believe that life begins and ends with health, and that happiness begins and ends with a full stomach and the power to enjoy physical pleasures, even of the finer kind.
In perpetrating a revolution, there are two requirements: someone or something to revolt against and someone to actually show up and do the revolting. Dress is usually casual and both parties may be flexible about time and place, but if either faction fails to attend, the whole enterprise is likely to come off badly.
I found myself at the beginning of 'Mad Men,' because I wasn't a sample size, spending an exorbitant amount of money on a nice dress that I would never wear again because someone would say - 'Christina Hendricks wore this dress twice.'
Well into adulthood, writing has never gotten easier. It still only ever begins badly, and there are no guarantees that this is not the day when the jig is finally up.
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