A Quote by Katherine Schwarzenegger

If you can create a career built on passion, your chances for success, fulfillment, and longevity are far greater than if you take any old job simply for the paycheck. — © Katherine Schwarzenegger
If you can create a career built on passion, your chances for success, fulfillment, and longevity are far greater than if you take any old job simply for the paycheck.
It’s not about you. The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It’s far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, you must begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose.
I think it's really important to remember that it's a long life, and it's a long career. In a perfect world, your career will be long. It does not begin and end with any one job. The point is to continue to have longevity in your career.
No scratch the word "career". Careers are people who wish to advance. I only want to survive, draw a paycheck. This is merely a job. I can take or leave this place. I start to imagine quitting and following my yet-to-be-determined passion.
Transferring your passion to your job is far easier than finding a job that happens to match your passion.
Do your thing. Do it unapologetically. Don't be discouraged by criticism. You probably already know what they're going to say. Pay no mind to the fear of failure. It's far more valuable than success. Take ownership, take chances, and have fun. And no matter what, don't ever stop doing your thing.
One of the first things successful people realize is the old adage, “If it is to be, it is up to me.” That is, for you, the fact that your success and your course is up to you. This doesn’t mean that you do it all alone. It simply means that you take responsibility for your life and your career.
Rather than risk starting their own businesses, most people seek safer environments, preferring job security to freedom and a steady paycheck to greater wealth. Their fear of failing is greater than the joy of freedom.
I run great risk of failing. It may be that I shall encounter ruin where I look for reputation and a career of honor. The chances are perhaps more in favour of ruin than of success. But, whatever may be the chances, I shall go on as long as any means of carrying on the fight are at my disposal.
The power of community to create health is far greater than any physician, clinic or hospital.
An artist's job is simply to take the mirror in front of your face and hold it there. It's not to give you any answers. It is simply to take that mirror and point it at you.
A strong film director does leave you to your devices. A strong director allows you to be free and you trust that he's there and he will tell you if you've gone too far. A strong director allows you to be much more experimental and take greater chances than a director who isn't secure within himself.
As far as from a standpoint of success, the only person who is in a position to make a claim like that sort [for the 'King Of The South' title] would be Lil Wayne - as far as success from a numbers standpoint. As far as longevity and success, that's the only person I feel like can say that.
If you're always waiting for a producer to hire you... your chances are really, really small. I've been knocking on doors and asking for a job for many years, and my career really changed when I decided to create my own material.
I started my career because if I'd have done anything else, I would regret it. I truly feel this career chose me more than I chose it. I would say that it's for something greater than me with a little of the creative fulfillment that comes with it splashed in there.
This is something that I do consider to be good advice: I took my first paycheck and I put it in the goddamn bank. Then I took my second paycheck and put it in the goddamn bank. I had seen the roller coaster of my father's career - top of the world, then unemployed - and I never wanted to take a job because I needed money.
I try not to take any foolish chances, but there's just no way to play it completely safe and still do your job.
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