A Quote by Katie Hill

I think divorce doesn't necessarily bring out the best in people. — © Katie Hill
I think divorce doesn't necessarily bring out the best in people.
I don't think there's a fan out there who hasn't had a family member or known someone personally who's been in the midst of divorce - perhaps not necessarily gotten the divorce or executed it, or perhaps they have - and still, in many cases, they found themselves back with the person that they were married to.
Some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best. And there are remarkably rare ones, who just bring out the most of everything that even you don't know that you have.
Some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best, and then there are those remarkably rare, addictive ones who just bring out the most. Of everything.
The best divorce is the kind where there are no children. That was my first divorce. You walk out the door and you never look back.
I think hard times either bring out the best in you or the worst, and I think I've luckily managed to bring out all the positives in myself.
Divorce is the biggest drain, outside of school fees, and nobody wins. People think it is always in the woman's favour, but it is not necessarily.
Divorce is simply modern society's version of medieval torture. Except it lasts longer and leaves deeper scars. A divorce releases the most primitive emotions; the ugliest, raw feelings. Emotionally wounded people do their best to inflict pain upon the other party, but rather than using claws they use divorce lawyers.
Oprah deserves the best. I am not the best when it comes to divorce. What do I know about divorce? Nothing at that time.
The nature of football can bring out the best in people, but it can also bring out the worst in people.
I always think that struggle can bring out the best in people - or the worst.
an the president bring out the voters who were so enthusiastic about him in 2008 and seem a little disenchanted now? Can he bring out young people? Can he bring out Latinos? Can he bring out those white suburban moms?
I think, for many people, they think there's one giant promotion, and that's all that there is. It must be the best. But as they expand their palate and their horizons, they realize that, oh, there's other wrestling out there. They might not necessarily like it more, but it's an option now.
I have such hatred of divorce that I prefer bigamy to divorce. Anyway, I think we should see other people.
Hip Hop has its ups and downs but I'm gonna do my best to not necessarily bring that back but just remind people what they are forgetting about.
When I think of Chinese parents, I think of people who weep upon hearing Beethoven, but who can't necessarily bring that joy to others.
... I never look at my watch if I'm talking with someone. I think that's such an insulting gesture! It suggests you're trying to gauge whether you think what they're saying is worth your time. Rushing is no way to bring out what's best in people, and I'm always looking for the best. That's what's ultimately behind my determination to take my time.
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