A Quote by Katie Pavlich

Anti-gun groups, most of which are funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, have done little to promote or fund real gun safety programs. — © Katie Pavlich
Anti-gun groups, most of which are funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, have done little to promote or fund real gun safety programs.
If we don't get gun-control laws in this country, we are full of beans. To have the National Rifle Association rule the United States is pathetic. And I agree with Mayor Michael Bloomberg: It's time to put up or shut up about gun control for both parties.
Not only do the Amy Schumers of the world and the gun control groups who support her fail to provide real gun safety lessons, they oppose them.
We have all read tragic stories in our local papers about gun accidents as a result of misuse. As lawmakers we can better promote safety and responsibility by encouraging gun owners to purchase gun safes to store firearms and keep them from falling into the wrong hands.
When I go to Lockheed or General Motors... all those union members are gun owners. They believe in responsible gun ownership and responsible gun safety, but all those guys are gun owners, and that's not necessarily an issue in New Jersey.
I only have disdain for New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. He raised taxes and has increased regulations. What else is new? He's a bully who wants to micro-manage people's lives by mandate, not persuasion.
I've probably saved more black lives as mayor of New York City than any mayor in New York City with the possible exception of Mike Bloomberg, who was there for 12 years.
Five hundred murders is a lot of murders. It's hard to believe, 500 is like supposed to be good?But we went from 2,200 to 500. And it was continued on by Mayor Mike Bloomberg. And it was terminated by current mayor. But stop-and- frisk had a tremendous impact on the safety of New York City.
I'm not anti-gun or pro-gun, but if you put a gun in your hand, you feel different.
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz on the Republican side. On the Democratic side, he sees Hillary Clinton struggling a bit... And Mayor Bloomberg sees a big lane in the middle for a moderate former Republican who believes in gun control and climate change.
If you are for gun control, then you are not against guns, because the guns will be needed to disarm people. So it’s not that you are anti-gun. You’ll need the police’s guns to take away other people’s guns. So you’re very Pro-Gun, you just believe that only the Government (which is, of course, so reliable, honest, moral and virtuous…) should be allowed to have guns. There is no such thing as gun control. There is only centralizing gun ownership in the hands of a small, political elite and their minions.
I'm active in PAX, which is a gun awareness organization. We treat gun safety as a public health issue.
From Obama to Michael Bloomberg, Dianne Feinstein, Michael Moore, Rosie O'Donnell and the rest of the media-political elite, the whole time they're attacking your right to own a gun, they're enjoying armed security for themselves.
If you get to the point in your career where you're running with a gun - I've yet to run with a gun. I've stood still with a gun, and I've walked with a gun, but I've never run with a gun. Running with a gun, to me, that's when you know you've really made it.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who also happens to be the 10th richest person in America, with a personal fortune of some $18 billion, likes to pick a fight - especially fights where the line between good and evil is particularly stark.
Obama, Bloomberg, and the national gun-ban media frequently exploit tragedy, using fear and lies to sell their agenda to non-gun owners, especially when it comes to election season. This is their traditional playbook.
The NYPD with the unconditional support of Mayor Michael Bloomberg has stopped-and-frisked more black men than there are black men in New York City. Institutionalized racial discrimination in the United States is alive and well.
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