A Quote by Katy Mixon

The maternal instinct is in me. — © Katy Mixon
The maternal instinct is in me.
Maternal instinct, merely as an instinct, is unworthy of our superstitious reverence.
I have no maternal instinct whatsoever. Motherhood holds no interest for me.
Anyone who's ever had the misfortune of seeing me interact with house pets knows I have a wickedly strong paternal instinct bordering on the maternal.
I am a perfect case study for the transition from no maternal instinct to the love of motherhood.
It's interesting, I had absolutely no maternal instinct. I'm much more interested in young people now.
I think maternal instinct is a male construct that has been used for centuries to keep women in their place, at home.
The maternal impulse in animals to protect their young - that kind of instinct and subsequent violence is quite beautiful. Mythic even.
I would say that the woman's ability to multi-task and to be maternal in instinct, it fosters a different approach to the character that makes sense as an actor.
I suppose it is easy for an actress to act maternal at any age, since all women have a nurturing instinct after 20, perhaps even earlier.
Her maternal instinct told her Natasha had too much of something, and because of this she would not be happy
If you believe in the maternal instinct and fail at mother love, you fail as a woman. It is a controlling idea that holds us in an iron grip.
I was worried - I wasn't sure I had the maternal instinct. But the minute my son came out, he was my favorite person on earth. I was crazily in tune with him, and I knew we were going to be fine.
I wanted to get a taste of what it would feel like to be a mum. I've always had a strong maternal instinct and ideally I would love one of my own.
One of the great issues in biology is the origin of altruism - of why you would do something for someone else that could hurt you - and Darwin posited that it might be rooted in maternal instinct, in sacrificing yourself for your children.
It's thematic in my career, if you look at most of my choices. It is some level of exploration of maternal angst and maternal heroism.
...I believe there exists, & I feel within me, an instinct for the truth, or knowledge or discovery, of something of the same nature as the instinct of virtue, & that our having such an instinct is reason enough for scientific researches without any practical results ever ensuing from them.
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