A Quote by Kay Koplovitz

Invest in creating the right culture and you won't be disappointed in the results. — © Kay Koplovitz
Invest in creating the right culture and you won't be disappointed in the results.
It's all about culture. If you can get the right people with the right mindset, the right core values and the ability to change on a dime, then you have the ability to invest and do what's best for the health and long-term value proposition of the business.
Growth means creating the right conditions for the private sector - farmers and firms - to invest and do business.
For my parents' generation, the idea was not that marriage was about some kind of idealized, romantic love; it was a partnership. It's about creating family; it's about creating offspring. Indian culture is essentially much more of a 'we' culture. It's a communal culture where you do what's best for the community - you procreate.
The mandate that I got from my investors is to invest. So far, we are on the right track, and it is the right formula to invest in Indonesia.
We must invest in and empower our state and local parties by creating effective field operations, an enhanced and advanced voter file, and a culture of collaboration between candidates at every level. Let's put the voters first.
Creating the culture of burnout is opposite to creating a culture of sustainable creativity. This is something that needs to be taught in business schools. This mentality needs to be introduced as a leadership and performance-enhancing tool.
Jobs have already started to surge. Since my election, Ford announced it will abandon its plans to build a new factory in Mexico and will instead invest $700 million in Michigan, creating many, many jobs. Fiat/Chrysler announced it will invest $1 billion in Ohio and Michigan creating 2,000 American jobs.
When you focus on results, you will very seldom see a change in your culture. But, if you focus on a customer-centric culture, you will realize long-term results.
We never invest in a male; we never invest in a female. We just invest in the right entrepreneur.
The Master's power is like this. He lets all things come and go effortlessly, without desire. He never expects results; thus he is never disappointed. He is never disappointed; thus his spirit never grows old.
You build a program; culture is what makes it go. You have to invest in that culture every single day, and that's my big-picture focus.
You can't keep doing the same things and expecting the same results. So as you get older, you should get wiser. You learn to invest. You learn what to invest in. Then you start having kids and life changes.
You've got to invest your own time, invest your own resources into creating a better world, not only for yourself but for the people you surround yourself with.
I don't know whether I'm misanthropic. It seems to me I'm constantly disappointed. I'm very easily disappointed. Disappointed in the things that people do; disappointed in the things that people construct. I want things to be better all the time.
Being a musician has actually surrounded and immersed me in pop culture and youth culture from a very young age. But even before I was singing in bands and creating any kind of art, I was always fascinated by pop culture.
Our culture is just too comfortable in creating these kind of divisions between culture.
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