A Quote by Kayleigh McEnany

In offering deals on immigration, infrastructure, and prison reform, President Trump has demonstrated that he is ready for compromise. But will Democrats take up his offer?
The First Step Act, the WEEE Act, and President Trump's infrastructure and immigration compromise plans all serve as examples of Trump administration outreach to the Democrats.
On infrastructure, there's a potential for Donald Trump to reach out to Democrats. He's talking about infrastructure spending far in excess of what any Republicans would have considered under a Democratic president.
I do want to see an immigration compromise. And you can't have an immigration compromise if everybody's out there calling the president a racist.
The Democrats want you to think Trump has sold you out and thrown you under the business. They want you to think that Trump has given away his mandate in exchange for doing deals. They want you to believe that Trump loves deals; he loves action.
Immigration. There's two plans on the table. Hillary and I believe in comprehensive immigration reform. Donald Trump believes in deportation nation. You've got to pick your choice. Hillary and I want a bipartisan reform that will put keeping families together as the top goal, second, that will help focus enforcement efforts on those who are violent, third, that will do more border control, and, fourth, that will provide a path to citizenship for those who work hard, pay taxes, play by the rules, and take criminal background record checks.
President Obama became the first sitting president to visit a federal prison yesterday. Obama said it was a good chance to talk about prison reform, and to catch up with so many former congressmen.
If you want a president who will upend the status quo in Washington, D.C., and appoint justices of the Supreme Court who will uphold the Constitution, we have but one choice, and that man is ready. This team is ready. Our party is ready and when we elect Donald Trump, the 45th president.
I wish that the Democrats would put some effort into Social Security reform, illegal immigration's reform, tax reform, or some of the other real issues that are out there.
I marched with you in the streets of Chicago to meet our immigration challenge. I fought with you in the Senate for comprehensive immigration reform. And I will make it a top priority in my first year as President.
Democrats stand ready and willing to work with President Trump to improve upon the ACA - but we will not sit by and watch him sabotage the health care of millions of Americans.
Trump has not masked who he is. Trump has not behaved like the Democrats do. He does not go out and camouflage. He doesn't present a side of him that isn't real. He doesn't lie to people about what he believes. Although he has broken a serious promise. And he's got some immigration people that voted for him that are a little angry about that. That must be mentioned. But other than that, Trump voters know Trump is who he is. He doesn't act, he doesn't put on a front, he doesn't make up things - as opposed to the Democrats who can't be honest about who they are.
Since taking office, President Trump has repeatedly demonstrated that bringing Americans home is a top priority for his administration. The president and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo understand the terrible toll terrorist networks and pariah states like Iran take on our American hostages and their families.
If Donald Trump wants to pass comprehensive immigration reform, I will work with Donald Trump.
As far as I understand, the president-elect of the United States [Donald Trump] is ready for such joint work. We do not know yet what it will be like in actual practice. We have to wait for him to take office and form his administration.
Marco Rubio, I think, will be president some day. Whether 2016 is his time, time will tell. He embraced immigration reform. He seems to have backed off. I'll let him explain why.
Conservatives have welcomed Trump's attacks on the establishment, have cheered his boldness, and have applauded his courage. He has taken on hitherto taboo issues like immigration enforcement and has demonstrated the hollowness of what passes for conventional wisdom.
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