A Quote by Kehlani

My biggest role model right now is Beyonce, just 'cause she is a very, very strong, powerful woman, and that's obviously the number one reason to be inspired by her. She is just killing every game there is to kill.
Be Strong. You Never Know Who You Are Inspiring. My current role model is Beyonce. She is such a strong woman. She can do everything. She has kept herself together and has balanced her life perfectly. She is a great singer, great dancer and a great looker and is now a good mother and wife.
My current role model is Beyonce. She is such a strong woman. She can do everything. She has kept herself together and has balanced her life perfectly. She is a great singer, great dancer and a great looker and is now a good mother and wife.
I want to have a record with Beyonce or Lady Gaga. They are both my inspirations. Especially Beyonce. She's like number 1 right now because I love everything about her. Her fashion, her style, her attitude when it comes to singing. She's perfect.
My greatest role model is my mom because she's a Renaissance woman. She has had many careers over the course of her life because she really is just an extremely creative, passionate person and is very involved in many different things.
The person that inspires me and has inspired me my whole life is my grandmother. She's strong, head of the household, the person everyone turns to, the one that can solve problems. She's just so warm and caring, loving, but at the same time very strong and can do anything, in my eyes. A great role model and someone that I aspire to be like in life.
When I hear that Jennifer Lopez is such a role model for Latinas, on the one hand I respect her for her business sense and I respect her for her ambition. But she's in the entertainment world. She's done it on her looks and very specifically on her anatomy. Madonna is also considered a great businesswoman and so is Yoko Ono. I feel if I had a young daughter right now, I would feel a little discouraged if that was my daughter's primary role model for success and for young people, for Latinas and Latinos.
It's funny when people say they see a lot of Madonna in me. I just feel so flattered because I love her and I am just her biggest fan. She is very strong. I love the way she does interviews -you know you won't get anything past her.
As a woman, she [Penelope Cruz] obviously has changed as she has become an adult. But, as an actress, I actually might say that she has not changed that much. And she has something great, especially in comedy, and she hasn't been exploited as much as she could be in comedy, but particularly in that mix between comedy and drama. She's got a very special quality about her. You can place her in very extreme situations, especially very painful situations, in terms of how her character interprets it. And sometimes, the deeper and more human that pain is, the better she is at it.
I think she definitely played a great tournament here. I mean, she reached the final as a very young girl. I know she can be very dangerous. I just did what my coach David told me, that I had to really go for every shot, to not really give her the time for her game. Definitely she's a talented player.
What's not fascinating about 'Wonder Woman?' She's powerful. She's strong. She gets her strength from other women. She kicks butt in the world. You know, she's bulletproof, which is appealing. But she also has the Lasso of Truth. That's the thing I would want most, that Lasso of Truth. Because in politics, it would be very handy.
A strong woman is a woman who craves love like oxygen or she turns blue choking. A strong woman is a woman who loves strongly and weeps strongly and is strongly terrified and has strong needs. A strong woman is strong in words, in action, in connection, in feeling; she is not strong as a stone but as a wolf suckling her young. Strength is not in her, but she enacts it as the wind fills a sail.
I noted about Cate Blanchett was her very positive lack of concern for how she turns out in Cinderella. She is happy to be a villainess and very pleased to be encouraged as I did with her to reveal this backstory and feel as though this was very human, that this broken heart of hers, if you might regard it that way, would be visible, but she never played for sympathy and I really admired that about her, so she's just there, she just is and uncompromisingly.
Beyonce has very clear ideas - she knows exactly what she wants. The thing which she then also has over other celebrities is that she has an amazing voice. She's incredibly talented, and she's an amazing dancer - she's complete. Few are like Beyonce.
Well, being a working mommy is something I've always wanted to be. My mother is my biggest role model and she showed me how to do it right. She was very present in our lives and has a great career of her own. Same with my father. So I knew it was possible going in to stay closely connected to my children while also chasing big dreams.
My mother is my biggest role model, and she showed me how to do it right. She was very present in our lives and has a great career of her own. Same with my father. So I knew it was possible going in to stay closely connected to my children while also chasing big dreams. And it's given me great perspective.
Ailee, to me, is just such a talented, powerful voice. She's sexy; she's beautiful. I'm a huge fan. I like her a lot. I really hope she keeps going at it. I really like her song 'I Will Show You.' To me, she has that Beyonce vibe.
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