A Quote by Kell Brook

In boxing, some fighters let the occasion get to them and they let their opponent get to them. With me, it's just another day at the office. — © Kell Brook
In boxing, some fighters let the occasion get to them and they let their opponent get to them. With me, it's just another day at the office.
In boxing, some fighters have good chins. You just have to be persistent and continue following the plan and trying to catch them nicely and, obviously, hope to be knocking him out.
We have three kinds of guys on our team. We have guys that get it; they play good; they understand how to play winning football. We have some guys that are trying to get it, and they are working hard every day? We are supporting them, and we want the guys that have it to support them. Then we have some guys that don't get it and don't know that they don't get it. We are trying to replace them. We only have a couple left.
If my opponent wants to think of me as a dunker, it's just gonna shock them more when I show them another part of my game.
We had some pretty good at-bats off Carpenter. We just couldn't find any holes. That's the way it goes sometimes. We were able to get some guys on but weren't able to get them in early. We did some little things right, we got some guys on, we got some walks. We take it one batter at a time and everybody tries to stay within their own limitations. We did that, we just didn't get the big hit to get them in.
I was just glad I've got an opponent, to be honest. This is my third opponent for this fight prep. [I'm over the moon] to be fighting in my hometown and I just didn't want that taken away. The fact that they've got me a new opponent, I'm not bothered who it is. I just focus on what I can control in my preparation and that's all I've got to worry about. My opponent changes but they're all great fighters in the UFC. Doesn't matter who you step in there with, it's going to be a tough fight.
I didn't know box office was a thing you could possess but I don't have it. I go up for lovely roles and people with this nebulous thing called box office get them so there isn't much I can do about that unless you know where I can get some box-office myself!
In a boxing match, the fighters absorb some vicious blows because they’re ready for them. And usually, the knockout punch is the one they didn’t see coming.
In fact, I get angry when people laugh at me. I go to the airport and the ground hostess starts laughing at me when she sees me. I get irritated and ask them if I just did some comedy for them to laugh like that. But then I apologise because I know they must have remembered some movie scene that I did.
I've been to hundreds of conventions in my career. Sometimes I'm afraid I may get jaded by them. But then, I see a figure in bright colors walking up to me, and I smile. I thank them for reminding me of just how lucky I am to do what I get the honor to do every day of my life.
He understood that she needed some time to get used to "them." He didn't. He knew exactly what was happening, and he didn't need another week, another month, another year, to get things in perspective. He loved her. It was that plain. That simple.
To get closer to Truth and Right, we need a beautiful and soft heart. Every human learns one day or another to become softer. Some accidentally, some because of disease, some suffer from human loss, some other from material loss ... We all face these situations, but we can either see the good in it and open our hearts, or unfortunately see an another occasion to lock it forever.
Life is a gamble. You can get hurt, but people die in plane crashes, lose their arms and legs in car accidents; people die every day. Same with fighters: some die, some get hurt, some go on. You just don't let yourself believe it will happen to you.
No matter what the circumstances are, we the fighters need to speak up and make it be known we want to fight each other. We go to our promoters and managers and tell them to get it done because at the end of the day, we're the ones fighting, the ones making them the money.
Gandhi was only minding his own business when he took a walk to get some salt and ended up overthrowing the British Empire. You can't set out to overthrow an empire, but if you have to get some salt then get some salt. If you have to write some independent songs that are honest, just write them. If you have to do a day job stacking shelves, so be it.
Willie Monroe is one of those fighters that will get me to the level I need to for all those great fights. And believe me, we'll get them.
It's easier to get an actor when you just ask them to do a day on something rather than have them come in, audition, get picked.
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