A Quote by Keller Easterling

Whether railroads or electricity or the Internet, there is always some sense that this is the new, redemptive platform - that finally, finally, we've found the platform that will allow us all to lead a democratic, global existence, where all problems will be solved. And the idea that the old platform becomes obsolete, "this kills that," and so on, also often accompanies the advent of a new technology. The digital platform is no exception.
Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform.
When you think about a new platform, what will define it as a long-term success are the ongoing range of games and experiences that come to the platform - not what's available on Day One.
We should have at least one new idea in the job training part of the platform. Otherwise, why don't we just take the 1964 platform and adopt it?
I want to create a platform for those people who want to come to this field. These people will face hurdles and problems that don't allow them to show their talent. So I want to make a platform that they can easily access, and then, at least, they won't be a victim of these problems.
We're building a unique global platform...In the last 18 months we found that sellers and partners are interested in complementing their online and offline businesses with Amazon's platform
I will do a big-budget film. I will do an indie film. I will do a short film. I will do a digital platform show, television, and even theatre. I don't have any restrictions in terms of platform as long as the content is something that I find interesting.
We're very lucky. We've been blessed with a platform, and what you can do with that platform, you can do a million things with it. I guess I just take pride in using the platform the right way.
I don't want to describe either Governor Mitt Romney or the Republicans as stupid, but I will say this - if you look at their platform, the 2012 platform, it looks like it's from another century and maybe even two. It looks like the platform of 1812.
The Internet is, as a communication platform and a learning platform, unparalleled because whether you want to learn something or share something, it's simply a few clicks away.
You can't just repurpose old material created for one platform, throw it up on another one, and then be surprised when everyone yawns in your face. No one would ever think it was a good idea to use a print ad for a television commercial, or confuse a banner ad for a radio spot. Like their traditional media platform cousins, every social media platform has its own language.
Any piece of art, when you're putting it on a certain platform, if the platform becomes a political place, you can manipulate things.
The UN platform was created precisely for this, to seek compromise, to communicate with one another. So it will definitely be nice if we make use of this platform.
The Internet has introduced an enormously accessible and egalitarian platform for creating, sharing and obtaining information on a global scale. As a result, we have new ways to allow people to exercise their human and civil rights.
What's the third smartphone platform? Is it Windows phone? Is Windows Phone going to finally get off the mat in the developed world? Amazon believes their platform has a chance to become the third.
I love WWE, and I love that platform. There is no other platform in the world that gives me that instant gratification. There is just no other platform.
The platform that we have created here in Tottenham is the most important, the platform we created between all the coaching staff - in the academy and the first team. The platform we created is more important than one person.
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