A Quote by Kellin Quinn

I think fans going to concerts expect more today in terms of meeting and things. It's cool - I get it because of how the Internet has made things much more personal for fans to follow with Facebook, Twitter and everything - but I also think it's kind of hindering because it takes from the music in a way.
I flood the Internet with what I think is quality content. That's why I did things like giving out a song every 100,000 Twitter followers because I am just looking for ways to get my fans to hear all this music without over saturating things.
I love feeding off the audience, and to me, what's the point if you're not going to think of the fans. Anyone can play music in their house, but you put it out because you want interact with your fans. And, as an artist, you get so much from your fans.
I think Twitter is such a cool thing because it really is a direct line to the fans and for fans back to you, and it's such a new thing. I think in the past there's been usually fan mail and that's really good, but Twitter, it gets an immediate response.
It's not my job to get really personal in how I express myself. I've met fans, and they've been lovely. But letting my personal life out there, I don't think is a good idea for me. I think the more you do that, the more you can be accused of encouraging that kind of attention.
Twitter's been interesting. I'm kind of a tech geek, but I've never been a Facebook or Twitter guy. Surprisingly, I've really enjoyed Twitter because I get to connect with fans.
The current state of music journalism is not bad, but it's not great at all. Some of the hip-hop stuff people get into is exciting, because there's a passion and there's something to explain to a more mainstream audience, so you get these passionate writers who want to express their love for rap and hip-hop, which is cool. But there are too many magazines, and the access has been diminished, so the quality of profiles has gone way down. Internet stuff can be really good, though. I like the dialogue between fans on the Internet. I think that's the best rock writing that's going on right now.
When I do things, like, with Josh Grobin, or he has so many fans, and I get people after my concerts, classical concerts, all the time coming back and saying, 'Never heard of you until I heard the song with Josh Grobin.' Then they're now classical music fans, which is something I think we need to reach a wider audience.
I usually stalk fans because I think they're really funny on Twitter. They don't know it, but I'll just go through their timelines, and if something is happening in the media, I always read fan accounts instead of the news because they have all the info and make the funniest jokes about it, so that's how I get my gossip - by stalking fans.
The funny thing about Facebook and Twitter is, you can go on there and see what's going on in the world without watching the news. I get so much news off of social media. I think it's cool. It's changed everything, not just music. It's changed the world. It definitely is a good thing. I don't really know what I think of it yet more than that. I haven't really sorted that out for myself.
If you don't have a Facebook, like, you're nobody. There's all of these sort of requirements now, and if you don't have all of these things - Facebook, Twitter, etc. - you're made fun of. And Twitter for celebrities... everything is just getting so personal. Pictures of yourself, of what you're eating for breakfast.
I think that it's really incredible, growing up and being able to have all these people who really look up to the work that I do. It's really cool that I have such awesome fans, and I can't thank them enough. I get on my Twitter and Facebook every day, and I see such awesome things.
Normally when there are fans you are focused just because of that, because you know when you're going to make a mistake, everybody is like, 'Whoa,' you feel this mistake more. Also, you feel more if you score a goal. It's more emotional when there are fans.
I keep in touch with my fans by keeping a blog online and I try to answer questions every day. I also have a twitter and a facebook. I think that social networking gives authors a unique insight in the minds of their fans and for me that is very valuable.
I got off Twitter, because I started feeling like it was not adding anything positive into my life. If anything, it was more negative. But now I'm back on it because it can be fun. I think, as an actor and a public figure, it's a different experience when you put yourself out there in that way. I think it can be a great tool, and that part I'm comfortable with. But the part that's kind of more personal, that part I'm still struggling with, because I don't really want people to know everything about me.
F1 has to keep appealing to sports fans and not only to motor racing fans but to possibly a wider public... I don't know if it's only social media or different electronic devices that will do that. How to establish more of a personal link to the drivers and to the teams - these are things that you have to think of.
I love Facebook and Twitter. Twitter helps me understand and interact with my fans, and Facebook is more for keeping up with my close friends and family.
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