A Quote by Kelly Rutherford

We eat all organic at home, so if we're running around and the kids want a hot dog or pretzel, I'll get it for them. — © Kelly Rutherford
We eat all organic at home, so if we're running around and the kids want a hot dog or pretzel, I'll get it for them.
Play with your kids. Limit their TV time. Get outdoors and chase them around. Wrestle with them. Walk the dog. Go bike riding. The reality is that your kids are not stupid, and they know when they are overweight Start walking the dog after dinner instead of watching TV. You don't want them going on the Web to find ways to lose weight. That's when you'll find them eating tissue paper because they read that a supermodel did it.
It's never been true, not anywhere at any time, that the value of a soul, of a human spirit, is dependent on a number on a scale. We are unrepeatable beings of light and space and water who need these physical vehicles to get around. When we start defining ourselves by that which can be measured or weighed, something deep within us rebels. We don't want to EAT hot fudge sundaes as much as we want our lives to BE hot fudge sundaes. We want to come home to ourselves.
Maybe you know why a child can reject a hot dog with mustard served on a soft bun at home, yet eat six of them two hours later at fifty cents each.
Did I want a dog? No. Did I need a dog? Also no. We were six kids running for our lives, not knowing where our next meal was coming from. Could we afford to feed a dog? Wait for it—no.
You have to have a lot of respect for hot dogs. It's completely different from sandwich. First of all, the hot dog is American. Sandwiches are not American. They're different. Second of all, a hot dog is like a pop idol. Hot dogs are cute. It's a pop image - everyone knows what a hot dog is.
Show business is dog eat dog. It's worse than dog eat dog. It's dog doesn't return dog's phone calls.
I will eat a hot dog but I'm not big into hot dogs.
I'm very traditional. I want to have kids. I want to be - not a stay-at-home mom, but to be able to take care of my kids and have a family and cook. A white picket fence and a dog.
The good thing about kids is they want to be mobile; they want to be running around nonstop. They want to play. They want to be outside. So they're inherently more active than we are, because we get much lazier as we get older. Part of being a parent is keeping up with your kid.
Same reason why young women on juries are not a good idea, they don't get it. They're not in that same life experience of paying the bills, doing the mortgage, kids, community, crime, education and health care. They're like healthy and hot and running around without a care in the world... I just think, excuse them, so they can go back on Tinder and Match.com.
We're no longer arguing about riding in the back of the bus, but being the bus driver or the president of the bus company. We're not pushing for the right to buy the hot dog, but selling the hot dog and the right to own the hot dog franchise.
It is difficult to get organic food at most restaurants, so when possible, eat at home. When not, do your best.
All kids are fussy eaters - they go through phases where they'll only eat red food or they just want to eat porridge. With fussy kids, the best thing to do is use what they do like and work around it.
We're adults. We're the ones who should teach the kids what's good to eat. I don't think the government should ever regulate what we eat at home, but we're feeding them in school with tax dollars. Quite frankly, if my tax dollars are being spent to feed kids, I'd rather feed them better food.
If you feel the purpose of life is struggle, Darwinian fitness, dog eat dog, then you will be eaten by a dog, or you will eat dog. You become what you focus on.
I don't eat too much. I don't have a lot of time, but I can get in a little treadmill. I eat healthily just because it's good for me, and running after my three kids takes a lot of energy.
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