A Quote by Ken Livingstone

Yes, there are lots of individual exceptions. But no one has ever done a study about voting intention without ascertaining that the biggest determining factor is your income and your wealth.
Remember something, if you will, about voting: Voting is not a horse race, you're not going there thinking "Gee, I gotta pick the winner so I can brag to my friends 'Oh, I picked so-and-so and he or she won'". Voting is voting your heart and voting your conscience and when you've done that, don't ever, EVER let a Democrat or Republican tell you that you've wasted your vote because the fact is, if you DON'T vote your heart and conscience then you HAVE wasted your vote.
You create your future with the power of your intention. Intention is simply the conscious act of determining your future now.
You create your future with the power of your intention. Intention is simply the conscious act of determining your future now. Health, harmony in relationships, happiness, money, creativity, and love will come to you in the future, based on your intentions now. Intend every day and create your future life.
If you're a wealthy heir with a trust fund, and you sell stocks, make your 10% gains since Donald Trump, and then you buy other stocks, you can avoid paying taxes. And if your accountant registers your wealth offshore in a Panamanian fund, like Russian kleptocrats do - and as more and more Americans do - you don't have to pay any tax at all, because it's not American income, it's foreign income in an enclave without an income tax.
Positive attitude is the foundation of your life - and the determining factor of your ability to serve.
Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out.
Here's an equation I want you to remember for the rest of your life: CZ = WZ. It means your "comfort zone" equals your "wealth zone." By expanding your comfort zone, you will expand the size of your income and wealth zone.
Having the courage to say no when all your friends are saying yes is one of the most difficult things you'll ever have to do. Doing it, however, is one of the biggest charges you can ever make to your personal battery. I call this 'won't power.'
The range of choice open to the individual is not the decisive factor in determining the degree of human freedom, but what can be chosen and what is chosen by the individual.
It's the attitude of the players, not their skills, that is the biggest factor in determining whether you win or lose.
Most people have it all wrong about wealth in America. Wealth is not the same as income. If you make a good income each year and spend it all, you are not getting wealthier. You are just living high. Wealth is what you accumulate, not what you spend.
Yes I am a politician - I will promise you anything your little electorate heart desires - because you are my constituents, you are the informed voting public, and because I have no intention of keeping any promise that I make.
Your manner of life now is already determining your life in those years of old age and retirement, without your realizing it even, and perhaps without your giving enough thought to it. One must therefore prepare oneself for retirement.
The most important factor in determining whether you will succeed isn't your gender - it's you.
When you drive to the grocery store, your intention is not to change the world, it just happens to have that impact. So we've done a lot of things without even realizing it, and yes, just being unusual, as you say, does not put you above, in a sense, any of the other organisms with whom we share this planet.
The problem with voting is that because your individual vote makes very little difference, you're voting with a mass of others, you have very little incentive to take care in carefully considering what your vote would mean.
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