A Quote by Ken Venturi

My father was a man of few words. — © Ken Venturi
My father was a man of few words.
To use many words to communicate few thoughts is everywhere the unmistakable sign of mediocrity. To gather much thought into few words stamps the man of genius.
I hope to be judged as good a man as my father. Before I hear those words "well done" from my Heavenly Father, I hope to first hear them from my mortal father.
Where can I find a man who has forgotten words, so I can have a few words with him?
"You are old, Father William," the young man cried, "The few locks which are left you are gray; You are hale, Father William, a hearty old man,- Now tell me the reason I pray."
Hank Cochran was a man of very few words, but certainly the words that he chose were the right ones to use.
Though a man should say but a few words, and his sentences and words be ever so ungrammatical, if he speaks by the power of the Holy Ghost, he will do good.
He was a quiet man, Eric Cantona, but he was a man of few words.
I calculated the amount of time I spent with my father during my entire life... the total amount of time I had with him, if you add up the hours, was about two months. My father was a busy man... we had very few opportunities to really sit down and talk as father and son.
I like words. And I always learn a few new ones when Father gets angry. I shouldn't neglect my education, now should I?
I'm a man of few words.
My old man is a man of few words.
I love man as creator, lover, husband, friend, but man the father I do not trust. I do not believe in man as father. I do not trust man as father.
Everyone's unique; no one's ever alike. But my son has the same good cheer as my father. He's capable of making a room happy with a few words.
My dad was a man of few words.
My dad's a man of few words.
Piatek is a man of few words.
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