A Quote by Kenneth Branagh

It doesn't mean old or younger. I've learned a lot from people much younger than me as well as people much older than me. So I think it's about honesty and generosity. — © Kenneth Branagh
It doesn't mean old or younger. I've learned a lot from people much younger than me as well as people much older than me. So I think it's about honesty and generosity.
Obviously, we live in a society where ageing is feared. But, to me, the alternative to getting old isn't that great. I've got friends much older than me and much younger, and I love that. It means you get to teach as well as learn.
Well Kerry, you're 19 and you're a lot older than a lot of people younger than yourself.
They think that I am a lot younger than I am. Everyone who meets me is always like, “Oh, are you the youngest sister?” “No, I'm older than Hilary.” I think it's just because I have never really played older than myself or even my own age yet.
Who are benefits promised to, overwhelmingly? Well, they're promised to older people. And if you have a society like Europe that is upside down where there are a lot more older people than younger people, you have economic calamity.
My mates who are younger than me are all slagging me for it - saying I am so much older and my crow's feet are showing.
As the population is, in general, aging, there is more interest in what a 50-year-old, a 60-year-old, a 70-year-old, an 80-year-old is like. And one of the things that just naturally started to happen as I got older - and I could feel younger people looking up to me in a certain way and wanting to know things that I knew - I got interested in the women, in particular, who were 20 years older than me. Because I understand in a way that I didn't 20, 30 years ago, how much they know.
It's very common to think that we're always evolving, that we've changed so much from our younger selves, that within decades we've transformed into these different people. We like to think that. I feel in some ways that I am still so much my younger self. There are ways that I'm different: I feel like I'm wiser and kinder. But I think a lot of the impulses are still the same. I learned that.
Well, a younger woman is a type, but not necessarily a type for me. And what is a younger woman? I mean, I'm pretty old. Almost everyone is younger.
I'm just concerned that if I get older, people aren't going to enjoy me as much as when I was younger, because I had a great voice for a little girl, but I mean, my voice can't get any bigger when I'm older.
People always tease me. They say, look at you, you went for so much psychoanalysis and you're so neurotic, you wind up marrying a girl so much younger than you.
Physically, we get older and then we die. Yet spiritually, whether we go backward or forward is a matter not of the body but of consciousness. When we think about age differently, then our experience of it changes. We can be physically older but emotionally and psychologically younger. Some of us were in a state of decay in our 20s and are in a state of re-birth in our 60s or 70s. King Solomon, who supposedly was the wisest of all men, described his youth as his winter and his advanced years as his summer. We can be older than we used to be yet feel much younger than we are.
There are people who are younger than I who are more uptight than I am. It's not necessarily an age thing. I mean nobody is offering me 20-year old leads any more.
I guess I don't think about age too much. I've always felt older than I really am anyway. I'm not dreading getting older. I don't miss the anxiety of being younger and not knowing what you want or where you’re going.
Every day I wake up, and I think about the wear and tear on my body, and will I be able to continue to perform at a high level. Sometimes I'm working with guys that are 15 years younger than me, 20 years younger than me.
When I was younger, I had to play with kids three or four years older than me because of my size, and they always had to prove they were better than the younger guy. That's the way it's been.
You ask me about my ex-wife? That is not polite. But I will answer. I got another wife now. Much younger, much nicer, much prettier. And so much more intelligent than Benetton.'
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