A Quote by Kenneth E. Boulding

We should always bear in mind that numbers represent a simplification of reality. — © Kenneth E. Boulding
We should always bear in mind that numbers represent a simplification of reality.
I represent New York, I represent the Bronx, I represent the Dominican Republic. And I always have that in mind with everything that I do.
We have no desire to permanently rule over millions of Palestinians, who double their numbers every generation. Israel, which wishes to be an exemplary democracy, will not be able to bear such a reality over time. The Disengagement Plan presents the possibility of opening a gate to a different reality.
Faith transcends reason because divine truth is not only higher, but also wider than the human mind, and the rationalist in his haste for premature simplification always tends to shut his eyes to one aspect of the truth and to seek a false harmony of thought by the sacrifice of an essential element of reality.
I think you should always bear in mind that entropy is not on your side.
One should not associate with controversy; one should always reach for the highest ratings; one should never forget that there is safety in numbers; one should always remember that comedy, adventure, and escapism provide the best atmosphere for selling.
A formal and consistent theory of inductive processes cannot represent the operation of every human mind in detail; it will represent an ideal mind, but it will help the actual mind to approximate that ideal.
I've always thought of acting as more of an exercise in empathy, which is not to be confused with sympathy. You're trying to get inside a certain emotional reality or motivational reality and try to figure out what that's about so you can represent it.
The labeling of nociceptors as pain fibers was not an admirable simplification, but an unfortunate trivialization under the guise of simplification.
Understanding that these statements do not represent reality, we should not be threatened by the language that he has used.
I believe Buddhism to be a simplification of Hinduism and Islam to be a simplification of Xianity.
The human mind can bear plenty of reality but not too much intermittent gloom.
Circumstances cause us to act the way we do. We should always bear this in mind before judging the actions of others. I realized this from the start during World War II.
You will miss her sometimes. Bear in mind she's trying to kill you. Bear in mind you have a life to live.
Physics should represent a reality in time and space, free from spooky action at a distance.
There are times when the welfare system may appear as an impediment to growth. Yet the drive for growth should always bear in mind the fact that people also need security
Simplification is as much in the mind as it is in the device.
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