A Quote by Kenny Smith

My mother and father didn't treat my brothers and sisters the same, so to treat 12 players exactly the same, that's a great accomplishment. — © Kenny Smith
My mother and father didn't treat my brothers and sisters the same, so to treat 12 players exactly the same, that's a great accomplishment.
For me it's absolutely the same - I treat one and the other in exactly the same way. As persons, that is, not as men and women. But, even here, you have to consider the fact that I've had a very special education, that I'm the daughter of a man like my father and a woman like my mother.
When you treat people well, those same people might not treat you the same way. But if you pay attention, you'll notice that Allah has sent OTHER people who treat you even better.
I treat my body the same way I would treat a brand new car. You have to treat it well so it can run for a long time.
Wimbledon is not the tournament I love. I don't like how they treat the players. There are small things that don't cost them anything and they make such a big deal out of it. If they treat us this way, well, we have to treat them the same. We want to be respected, the way we respect Wimbledon, even if it is not the best Grand Slam on earth.
I have to treat all of the players at the same level with the same rules and same demands. It's difficult to understand, because the outside world is thinking when you pay a lot for the player, then you have to put him in the squad.
. . . the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony and man - all belong to the same family. . . . The White Man must treat the beasts of this land as his brothers.
If you're in charge of managing domain name space you should treat everybody who asks for a registration the same. Whatever that is - whether it's nice or ugly or whatever - just be fair, treat them all the same.
I should attempt to treat human vice and folly geometrically... the passions of hatred, anger, envy, and so on, considered in themselves, follow from the necessity and efficacy of nature... I shall, therefore, treat the nature and strength of the emotion in exactly the same manner, as though I were concerned with lines, planes, and solids.
Every player is different, but I try to treat everyone the same. On a day-to-day basis, I come across other footballers and club staff, and I try to treat all the same, from the security guard to Lionel Messi.
When my mother died, it sort of put a damper on things. My career didn't have the same significance or excitement. It had always been about doing well for my family - my brothers, sisters, father, mother. Then something interesting and important happened - I started doing things for me.
If you treat your subject with seriousness and respect, other people tend to treat it the same way.
We are born on the same soil, breathe the same air, live on the same land, and why should we not be brothers and sisters?
The general feeling is, if you don't treat everyone the same you're showing partiality. To me, that's when you show the most partiality, when you treat everyone the same. You must give each individual the treatment that you feel he earns and deserves, recognizing at all times that you're imperfect and you're going to be incorrect oftentimes in your judgment.
My mother, she made sure all of us were treated the same and had the same opportunity to grow and develop, so that when we left the house, we could fly on our own. And she also knew when we got out into the world, we'd treat others that we came across with that same treatment and respect.
Whenever I'm teaching teenagers, I always try to treat them, like, a little bit more gently but the same that I treat adults.
The social media platforms have taken over the distribution of news globally. They treat a lie the same way you would treat a fact.
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