A Quote by Kenya Moore

When you have a history with me of being disrespectful, spiteful, and unapologetic, then you will be shown the nearest exit to the left. — © Kenya Moore
When you have a history with me of being disrespectful, spiteful, and unapologetic, then you will be shown the nearest exit to the left.
Good overtaking is important to me. There are a lot of quick maths involved. I will prepare from the corner before, thinking, 'If I exit this way, and the driver ahead of me is in a certain position, then I'll go for it.' If he is not where I hope he will be, then I won't pull the trigger. If he is, my decision has already been made.
All other forms of history - economic history, social history, psychological history, above all sociology - seem to me history with the history left out.
I'm unapologetic not because I'm strong-willed or overconfident, I'm unapologetic because this is it; this is my life. There is nothing I can do, no one I can please. I am a person with a strong sense of being, that's all.
Feminism means to me being comfortable with who you are as a woman and being unapologetic about it.
If we turn our heads and look away and hope that it will all disappear then they will - all of them, an entire generation of people. And we will have only history left to judge us.
When you're ready to stop, stop. If you have presented all the facts and made the point you want to make, look for the nearest exit.
Amateur boxing is like a game but you have to be spiteful as a pro. I've got that spiteful streak. I've always had it - just ask my mum and dad.
You brake and then turn the wheel, step on the clutch, and pull the e-brake. Release the e-brake, go into countersteer mode, then wait. Wait until you know the car is facing the corner exit direction. then you smile and slam on the gas as you exit the corner.
Now and then, when I grow nostalgic about my ocean childhood - the wauling of gulls and the smell of salt, somebody solicitous will bundle me into a car and drive me to the nearest briny horizon.
Many people will find this book disrespectful. There is nothing amusing about being dead, they will say. Ah, but there is.
The way the Establishment deals with people like me is to ignore them. When you become unignorable, they will try to smear you, and that's what I feared for a long time. Now I have somehow vaulted into this space where it's difficult for someone to smear me because it would look as though they were being vindictive and spiteful.
Time is not on Gaddafi's side. People ask about the exit strategy. It's Colonel Gaddafi who needs an exit strategy because this pressure will only mount and it will be intensified over the coming days and weeks.
I can't think of another actor who acquired stardom so quickly, who held it for such a short time, and then kept it for such a long time. James Dean became a star in one calendar year, and then he left us. But he's still being talked about, he's still being revered, he's still being iconized forty years later. I don't think there's another example like it in the entire history of movies.
Boo," I said. He reacted as all mutts react when I confront them. He leapt from his chair and dove for the nearest exit, shaking in terror. In my dreams. He glanced at me and started looking for Clay. It never failed. Mutts only quaked when I appeared because it usually meant Clayton wasn't far behind. I was nothing but a harbinger of doom.
He held her gaze steady while he summarized her promises. “She will honor me, protect me, obey me only when she believes I’m being reasonable—but I shouldn’t hold out hope that that day will ever come—try to love me before she’s an old woman, and I’d better get it straight in my mind that she will respect me until or unless I do something to prove I’m not worthy, and God save me then. Have I left anything out, Brenna?
History should not be left to the historians. Rather, be like Churchill. Make history, and then write it.
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