A Quote by Kerry Washington

Voting for [Donald] Trump Is Voting Against Ourselves. — © Kerry Washington
Voting for [Donald] Trump Is Voting Against Ourselves.
You're not just voting for an individual, in my judgment, you're voting for an agenda. You're voting for a platform. You're voting for a political philosophy.
I remember Congressman Conyers voting against the PATRIOT Act, voting against the Iraq War when it was unpopular to. That tremendous amount of courage that comes with that kind of leadership, I mean, that's what we need.
The people who are voting for Trump are not voting rationally.
I don't feel comfortable voting for Donald Trump.
By applying blockchain technology to voting platforms, we can prevent tampering with online voting, which will increase confidence in the voting results of voters and residents in Seoul.
I will not be voting for Donald Trump for president. This is not a decision I make lightly, for I am a lifelong Republican. But Donald Trump does not reflect historical Republican values nor the inclusive approach to governing that is critical to healing the divisions in our country.
If you don't have voter ID, you can just keep voting and voting and voting.
Your story is for - voting for every disastrous trade agreement, and voting for corporate America. Did I vote against the Wall Street bailout?
I think the American people deserve to have the issues debated, regardless of which side they're on, so that they are fully aware of what their representatives and senators are voting for and voting against.
I'm not sure the people who are voting for Trump want to be pulled together with the people who are voting for Clinton and vice versa.
In 2016 you had a significant number of voters who said on Election Day: I don't like Donald Trump. I don't think he tells the truth. I don't think he has the temperament to be president. I don't think he is qualified. I do think Hillary Clinton is qualified. And I am voting for Donald Trump.
The country is split. There are - more people voting for Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump, but he's the president.
Remember something, if you will, about voting: Voting is not a horse race, you're not going there thinking "Gee, I gotta pick the winner so I can brag to my friends 'Oh, I picked so-and-so and he or she won'". Voting is voting your heart and voting your conscience and when you've done that, don't ever, EVER let a Democrat or Republican tell you that you've wasted your vote because the fact is, if you DON'T vote your heart and conscience then you HAVE wasted your vote.
The 2020 Election is believed to be the most important in our lifetime. Therefore, I've chosen to become more involved in the voting process by using my social media platform to encourage voting and my facility as a Dekalb County early voting polling station.
We Cubans are voting for our new constitution, we're voting for Latin America and the Caribbean. We're also voting for Venezuela, we're defending Venezuela because in Venezuela the continent's dignity is in play.
Why aren't Democrats voting against President [Donald] Trump's cabinet nominees en masse? Is it because they're just a bunch soft-headed Beltway lifers who don't understand that the base is pissed and wants them to fight fight fight?
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