A Quote by Kevin Durant

People always think women meet us in the hotel lobby, but it's the opposite. The majority of the time, you go out to eat with your teammates, then rest for the next day's game. It's not a vacation - most guys view the road as a business trip.
I go on the road all the time, but I'm only performing for two hours a night, and then I'll do a meet-and-greet, and then I'll get a bite to eat, get drunk, pass out, wake up the next day, sleeping the next day, sleeping off the hangover, and then I'm in the next city.
I could have been in a house show the day before being flown in to do the Survivor Series. I'd do that pay-per-view, then fly out the next day to go do another house show. The pay-per-view just happened in the middle of a 30 or 40-day road tour. For us back then, the WWF talent, it was just another day of work, another day of being on the road.
When I was on the road full-time, there was about an eight, nine year stretch where I averaged, conservatively, 250 days a year out on the road. That's basically you fly into a town, you get a Rent-A-Car, find a hotel, go to the gym, you eat, you go to the arena, go back to the hotel, you wake up, go to the airport and go somewhere else.
One of my fun road trips was [when] a group of guys and I rented a tour bus and we started in Orlando and drove all the way around the country going to baseball games. That was an awesome trip because each night we would go to a new baseball stadium, watch a baseball game, get in the bus, wake up [in] the next city, go to another baseball game. We did this for a little while and it was great. We called that trip the Rats on the Bus and it was a fun trip.
My routine prior to a big game is the same for any other match. Eat, sleep, chat with teammates during the day, and then, as the match draws near, I listen to my music on the trip to the stadium and zone in.
You're so used to being on the road and having a schedule that the insanity seeps in when you're sitting at home and there's nothing going on that day. I remember the first time we got off one of our first big tours, I told my guys, "Go home to your girlfriends." The next day, all my guys texted me like, "Do you wanna, like, do something? Let's all go bowling. I can't hang with people that live normal lives."
The purpose of a vacation is to have the time to rest. But many of us, even when we go on vacation, don't know how to rest. We may even come back more tired than before we left.
You can't do business with a man who doesn't know the meaning of a contract. You can't do business with a firm who swears they'll do one thing one day and does just the opposite the next. You can't do business with a company who takes your goods on a cash basis and then pays you off in bum harmonicas.
For me, time is everything, because from the time you wake up you have to have your heart and soul in this. You have to work through the day, you have to go to the gym, you have to eat, and yet you have to work as fast as possible to get home and get rest before the next day begins again.
If you help a chicken out of an egg, most of the time that bird will die. If you help a moth out of a cocoon, it'll die because they don't go through that struggle and maturation. I can give you a fish for the day and you'll eat a day, but if I teach you to fish, you'll eat for a lifetime. Maybe even start a business.
As a kid, I'd eat at my mother's house, then go down the road to my girlfriend's and eat, and then sometimes go to my friend's house and eat again. I could gain five pounds in a day. In a week, there wouldn't be a scale to weigh me.
When my children were very young, I was slated to go on a business trip. When it was nearly canceled, I decided I wouldn't tell anyone and go off for a week's vacation anyway. In the end, the trip went off as planned. But I was intrigued by the idea of an illicit holiday.
Some of the good teammates, when it comes for me, has always been someone who interacts with your teammates - movies, dinners, buses, planes, and so what I tend to do is, the older I've gotten, I actually hang out with more younger guys than I do older guys.
Those 12 o'clock kick-offs can be good if you win as then you've got the rest of the day to celebrate and enjoy it. On the other hand, if you lose, it's not a nice feeling. You spend the rest of the day mithering about the game and going over it in your mind for the next eight hours.
If we lose a game, I change up what I did that day, like if I eat something that day I will not eat the same thing again the next game day.
I always make sure to eat a healthy breakfast because it's the first meal you eat that fuels your body for the rest of the day. Plus, breakfast is the perfect time to get away with eating carbs because they'll be burned off before the day is done, so every now and then I splurge on a Belgian waffle - my favorite!
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