A Quote by Kevin Faulconer

Divisive national politics continue to chip away at our daily life. — © Kevin Faulconer
Divisive national politics continue to chip away at our daily life.
'Chip Away' is somewhat of a rail against cable news and divisive agendas... all for the almighty dollar.
You try to figure out the best way to throw the shot put, or the perfect way to long jump, and you don't ever get it. You just chip away, chip away, chip away as time goes on.
I think culture and art tell you what the soul of a nation is, and if we continue to chip away at the arts we are actually chipping away at our collective soul.
It is divisive politics to infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens after a national tragedy.
For a person to build a rich and rewarding life for himself, there are certain qualities and bits of knowledge that he needs to acquire. But there are also things — harmful attitudes, superstitions, emotions — that he needs to chip away. A person needs to chip away everything that doesn't look like the person he or she most wants to become.
The problem is not that Christians are conservative or liberal, but that some are so confident that their position is God's position that they become dismissive and intolerant toward others and divisive forces in our national life.
There's an effort on the part of many people to attack women's rights, women's health, and the ability to control our own lives. No doubt about it. And it is not a majority of the country, in any way, shape, or form. I know on the contraceptive issue, 70 percent of the country agrees with me. Will that stop my opponents? No. Because they are so radical. They chip away and chip away.
We never believe in divisive politics; we always work for an inclusive politics.
Business underlies everything in our national life, including our spiritual life. Witness the fact that in the Lord's Prayer, the first petition is for daily bread. No one can worship God or love his neighbor on an empty stomach.
Like anyone who follows politics, I am sometimes mesmerized by the twisted and relentless drama playing out in Washington. But I also know about the price of distraction - the consequences of our attention being diverted from how politics affects daily life.
As sculptors chip away the stone in order to find the statue, writers chip away extraneous verbiage so readers can see the shape of an idea clearly. My gift is to see through the confusion, to bring order and simplicity to a story.
In daily life, reality gives us material incentives to restrain our irrationality. But what incentive do we have to think rationally about politics?
The only newspaper in our house when I was growing up was the Daily Mail, and we would never have dreamt of discussing politics around the dinner table. So my involvement in politics came about through activism.
Nothing in our daily life offers more of the comfort of continuity, the generational connection of belonging to a vast and complicated American family, the powerful sense of home, the freedom from time's constraints, and the great gift of accumulated memory than does our National Pastime.
National security needs to be priority number one and if you're willing to play politics with our national security then you have no business serving in the Senate or the House.
There's a commonality in a lot of the great quarterbacks in the league, that they have the chip on their shoulder - from something. Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady, Patrick Mahomes, Russell Wilson - I mean, they all have something that got them to have a little chip on their shoulder, that makes you continue to work really, really hard.
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