A Quote by Kevin Pietersen

The only way to get a three to four-month break would be to tear a tendon or a hamstring or something like that. — © Kevin Pietersen
The only way to get a three to four-month break would be to tear a tendon or a hamstring or something like that.
I've been so close on so many occasions and had so many horrendous injuries. You go from hamstring tear to hamstring tear and achilles problems and then you get MS! But you've got to keep going, which I did and I've got the kit and a world record and the world title.
If I get married I get a tax break, if I have a kid I get a tax break, if I get a mortgage I get a tax break. I don't have any kids and I drive a hybrid, I think I should get a tax break. I'm trying to pay off my apartment so I have something tangible. I actually figured out if I paid off my place my reward would be that I would pay an extra four grand a year in taxes.
We only work four days a week, we only work three weeks out of the month, and we get four months off for the summer. So there's plenty of time for me to spend with the kids.
I would love to be on Broadway. I would love to do a three-month run, similar to how celebrities do a three-month run on 'Chicago.' Something like that would be awesome. So, I'm putting it out there.
I tore my right shoulder to pieces - three external tears, a labrum tear, and a detachment of the bicep tendon.
A strained hamstring is a muscle tear and very easy to take care of with proper therapy. The greatest problem for a sprinter coming back from a hamstring injury is getting yourself to a point where you are confident mentally that all the muscles are going to be firing.
I am single. Acting can make it hard to have profound relationships if you're not careful. You get into this pattern of three-month, four-month jobs and 'what's the next adventure.'
Initially, when I started working in Tollywood, there were only three or four releases in a year. But after 2010-11, the figure went up to three-four releases per month. It's impossible for one music director to work simultaneously in so many films.
Presently, my understanding of the fundamental principles of the theory of high-intensity training is thorough and complete - not two plus two equals three-and-a-half, but two plus two equals four! Heretofore, I would only occasionally have clients gain 10 to 20 pounds in a month or 30 to 40 pounds in three to four months. Now such is no longer the exception , but the rule!
Whenever you get an inflamed tendon, you've got a problem. OK, here's the next pitch to Gene Tendon.
I always tell people, when I was a kid, there was four pay-per-views a year, and everything had three-month builds, and it was just the best thing ever. That's my wrestling. It was like, if there was a way for it to go back to that, oh my God, I would be so happy. And that's what NXT has provided.
I lived in San Jose for a little bit, and one of my neighbors was Vietnamese and was teasing me. I said "I've had pho," and then he goes, "Oh, what do you get, the number one big bowl?" I was like, "Come on, man. You don't have to come at me like that." But yeah, I've tried tendon. Tendon eventually yields.
I've always drawn a lot. I like the idea of turning a 2-D sketch into a 3-D thing very quickly. And clothing is really good for that. You can draw an idea in the morning and you can see it by the end of the day. I think if it were something like a four-month process to get from the idea to the final thing, I would get quite bored.
I don't get tired of my work because you can't get tired of something you love and enjoy! But, having said that, I wish to get a break of four to five days, or at least three days, switch off my cell phone, and do what I want to.
I played with a left hamstring injury since playing college football at Washington University. I went to doctors all over the country to find out what was wrong, and none of them could figure out the problem in my hamstring. I went to Drs. Baker and they found a huge knot in my hamstring. They were able to release it and fix my hamstring problem.
If unable to abstain from drinking, a man may get drunk three times a month; if he does it more than three times he is culpable; if he gets drunk twice a month it is better; if once a month, this is still more laudable; and if one does not drink at all what can be better? But where can I find such a man? If such a man were found he would be worthy of the highest esteem.
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