A Quote by Kevin Plank

The idea of insider information to me is almost, like, laughable. — © Kevin Plank
The idea of insider information to me is almost, like, laughable.
A new and speculative idea, which although it may seem trivial and almost laughable, is nonetheless of great value in quickening the spirit of invention.
In my former life I was in insider, as much as anybody else. And I knew what it's like, and I still know what it's like to be an insider. It's not bad.
Giving money doesn't make you an insider. If that's considered being an insider, I guess Donald Trump is an insider. That doesn't make sense.
We're never going to be the ultimate-insider look. You can do 50 insider looks at this Hollywood business, and the satire didn't intrigue me. I think others can do that.
When 'Rent: Live' was announced, I bugged everybody. The creatives, Fox, the producers, my team - I have to be Mark Cohen. It almost got to a laughable point for me. I was like, 'I have to be Mark Cohen.'
Where does one go in a tremendous city like Calcutta to find insider information? I recalled India's golden rule: do the opposite of what would be normal anywhere else.
I'm an actor and a writer and a showrunner and I edit my show. ... I have a job that three people usually have, and I have it in one person. And the idea that the critic thought that I had this excess of time for which I could go to, like, panels or write essays was just so laughable to me.
As far as where I go when I die, the concept that I am simple going to flick out, like a light bulb, to me is not only spiritually impossible to believe, but logically it is laughable - the idea that we simply die and nothing happens.
I think it is an anarchistic idea to have information on the front and the back. Normally if you add information to information, you have more information.
The idea that somehow you're going to tax the 'rich' enough to pay for quality health care for every American who doesn't have it, can't afford it or stands to lose it, not to mention for all of the undocumented aliens who receive it for free now and presumably will continue to in Obama health land, is almost laughable.
With enough insider information and a million dollars, you can go broke in a year.
The great glory of travel, to me, is not just what I see that's new to me in countries visited, but that in almost every one of them I change from an outsider looking in to an insider looking out.
Why are people who are appalled at insider trading so quick to trade on inside information when it comes their way?
In my former life I was in insider, as much as anybody else. And I knew what it's like, and I still know what it's like to be an insider. It's not bad, it's not bad. Now I'm being punished for leaving the special club and revealing to you the terrible things that are going on having to do with America. Because I used to be part of the club, I'm the only one that can fix it.
The idea that I had a bohemian childhood is laughable.
I detest computers. If you had a device like that 30 years ago that froze up constantly, misbehaved constantly, lost your information and screwed up when you needed it the most, it would have been laughable.
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