A Quote by Kiana Madeira

I feel like the scripts were so wonderfully written in the sense that my character in '1666' and my character in '1994' mirrored each other in a really nice way. They're both so strong, empowered, determined, and passionate.
I do feel privileged to play Elektra, because definitely she is a strong female character. She's a strong character. It would be nice if eventually we'd just say she's a strong character, not a strong female character.
A lot of times, scripts are written so the character is all one way. Even with 'Bringing Out the Dead,' the character was written a little more generic.
I really can't answer that off the top of my head, my favorite movies. Each one individually was wonderfully made, wonderfully directed, wonderfully written, wonderfully acted, and each one was entirely different.I like romantic movies. I sort of go for the older movies.
I abhor badly-written characters and any character, be it man, woman, any character in the film. If it is a well-written character, it will come across as strong.
I just feel like I'm a part of a really cool group of ladies, really good actresses. And each of them kind of does it in their own way, but the character itself is such a great, strong lady that I like that they keep reinventing her.
If you understand your character and feel like it's a collaborative process, you're more inclined to dive into the deep end and fight for your character and feel passionate about your character, and that passion comes across on screen.
No matter what character your play. I feel like whenever anyone is honest and whole and well-written, you're going to be able to connect to that person because we're all kinda made up of the same stuff and I think that's always one of the really powerful things about approaching each individual character and role and film.
It's nice to be able to explore both sides of my personality. I definitely relate more to Debbie, my character on The Grinder. But it's really nice because I get to play a character who's down on her luck and kinda slipping off the edge in It's Always Sunny, while at the same time getting to play this character who's a mom and holding it together on The Grinder.
It's going to sound like the easy answer, but I love them both. I do! I really don't prefer one over the other. With movies, you really dive into a character for two to three months, but then it's gone. With a TV series, you have a constant location you're living in, and you're always working on the same character along with people who are like your own family. I'm lucky to have done both.
I should have asked for credit - but he has no idea how amazing it is that a character that was written as a boy can be equally written for a girl. It's like you said, just write a character as if it were a man, and then turn it and make it into a woman. It's like, we're human beings, after all.
Joker' is, of course, a character of my generation grew up with, and it's a character you know really well and have strong opinions about. He's been a larger-than-life character in fiction. He's one of these rare characters that have had such strong performances.
Where does a character come from? Because a character, at the end of the day, a character will be the combination of the writing of the character, the voicing of the character, the personality of the character, and what the character looks like.
It's nice to play a character who's written as a mixed race character and is not a drug addict.
I think it's really important, when you're redefining a character [ Spider-Man], for the audience to experience things that they haven't experienced, from the ground up. I wanted to build a character. I feel like point of view is a really crucial thing in the story, and that you need to build up the emotional building blocks, so that you can experience all the other emotions in a very specific way, rather than just experiencing it in an intellectual way.
When I feel like work and life are both going well, I feel like I can be fully present at both. I think the reminder to me is that both are super important, and I need to be able to feel like I can experience both in the way that makes me happiest. If I'm not happy in one or the other, it really affects the other side.
I don't like the word 'strong,' because a strong character is never an interesting character. A character is made interesting by their vulnerabilities and their weaknesses.
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