A Quote by Kiki Smith

I always thought it was a trap to fit into ideologies, and maybe that's a luxury position, but my work is a reflection of my being here. My being here is not a reflection of an idea.
This gown, is it cut from shadow?" the general asked. "I can barely feel it between my fingers." Not for want of trying, thought Madrigal. "Perhaps it is a reflection of the night sky," he suggested, "skimmed from a pond?" She supposed that he was being poetic. erotic, even. In return, as unerotically as possible- more like complaining of a stain that wouldn't come out-she said, "Yes, my lord. I went for a dip, and the reflection clung.
I think a life of a human being is not something you can explain in a few interview questions. The stuff you do in the media is sometimes a great reflection and sometimes not a great reflection of who you are as a person.
Maybe the devil in human beings isn't the reflection of the devil, perhaps the devil is only a reflection of the savagery and brutality of our kind. Maybe what we've done is create the devil in our own image
As what you first are moves in the context of form, you have real reflection within that form, real reflection of what you are, what you are being and what you are doing. The movement in form enables you to comprehend what you are.
[Albert Camus]didn't have much hope that things would work out, but he wanted them to. Algeria had reached such a degree of violence that once such violence is created there's no more room for reflection. And there's no mediating position. If you look at Bosnia today, the Croats, Bosnians and Serbs, they've all created so much horror that one starts to wonder how these peoples can live together, after having done what they have. Already the violence has reached such a degree that everybody is living in hate, there's no possibility of reflection, no mediating position.
Psychology is the description of the reflection of the terrestial world in the heavenly plane, or, more correctly, the description of a reflection such as we, soaked as we are in our terrestial nature, imagine it, for no reflection actually occurs, only we see earth wherever we turn.
What is incarnation? Incarnation is self-reflection. The universe that we are in is constructed, is a reflection of ourselves. We picked the dimension according to our self-reflection.
You are always living a reflection of whatever you are outputting. And so, if you get into a little pocket where a lot of people are being rude, it's probably because you are being rude — or because you have been aware of people being rude. Nothing ever happens to you that is not part of your vibration!
The very fine line between loneliness and solitude, reflection; being alone, always appealed to me when I was a kid.
The clearer that division [of social media] is between it not being a reflection of reality, and being a complete make-believe world, the more we're helping ourselves.
Although I've watched myself making the transition from being a girl to being a woman, I still feel 15 years old. My reflection disagrees.
The world is a reflection of who we are and if we don't like the reflection, it doesn't really help to break the mirror.
If we have poor coaches, that's a reflection of me and a reflection of what we think we can give to the kids.
I've always thought surfing is a reflection of who you are.
My music is a very personal reflection of me, whereas, acting a role, that's a reflection of another character.
My music is a very personal reflection of me, whereas, acting a role, thats a reflection of another character.
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