A Quote by Kimbal Musk

We have been growing more food than we need since the '60s... what we have is a terrible distribution problem. — © Kimbal Musk
We have been growing more food than we need since the '60s... what we have is a terrible distribution problem.
A problem of statistical inference or, more simply, a statistics problem is a problem in which data that have been generated in accordance with some unknown probability distribution must be analyzed and some type of inference about the unknown distribution must be made.
The climate change problem is at its heart an ethical problem. It's a problem of income distribution and it's a problem of income distribution with dimensions that we don't usually think about very much.
I've always been interested in space and the idea of exploration in that area since I was a child growing up through the '60s.
It's become more readily apparent that we need to be growing our own food and growing more things organically.
You've got a global food problem. You've got a food problem in the United States. You've got a food problem in Africa... in Asia. And so the truth is, the U.S. is going to have to produce more, on not very many more acres, honestly. And so we're going to have to do a better job.
We're fortunate enough to live on a planet that's bathed in thousands of times more energy than we use and that's stocked with thousands of times more water, raw materials, and even food-growing potential than we need.
Our food chain is in crisis. Big agribusiness has made profits more important than your health—more important than the environment—more important than your right to know how your food is produced. But beneath the surface, a revolution is growing.
Cities are never random. No matter how chaotic they might seem, everything about them grows out of a need to solve a problem. In fact, a city is nothing more than a solution to a problem, that in turn creates more problems that need more solutions, until towers rise, roads widen, bridges are built, and millions of people are caught up in a mad race to feed the problem-solving, problem-creating frenzy.
I have a terrible, terrible fear of knives. I only buy food that I don't need to cut... I haven't cut my food in years! Like, I won't even touch a plastic knife or anything sharp. And if I'm in a kitchen and somebody picks up a knife, I leave.
I knew early on that we needed to settle the food problem because if you can grow food it's empowering. In fact I believe growing food is one of the most dangerous occupations on the face of this earth because you're in danger of becoming free.
Food is not the problem. It's what we do with food that becomes the problem. That's why we need to learn to keep everything in our lives - especially our eating - in proper balance.
We need to work less to achieve more. We need to stop fighting food and start embracing it. We need to stop punishing our bodies and start providing for them. We need to slow down and enjoy and then we’ll get the results we’ve been looking for—and sooner than we expect.
When farming became a corporate venture, and the distribution of food became corporate, the variety of foods that were considered good diminished greatly. I know that there's a lot of misconception about this, that people think we have more food variety than ever before, but, in fact, if you read any of the studies, you'll find we have fewer foods than before.
I work in the '60s more than I've done anything else. I did a movie, called 'Down with Love', in the '60s. I did a movie for HBO about the Johnson administration in the '60s.
I work in the '60s more than I've done anything else. I did a movie, called Down with Love, in the '60s. I did a movie for HBO, about the Johnson administration in the '60s.
I sometimes find the vegetarians are more conditioned and more dogmatic than anything else, more than the religion. It's terrible, you must chew the food I don't know how many times, this you mustn't eat and this you must do, goodness me!
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