A Quote by Kin Hubbard

Nobody ever grew despondent looking for trouble. — © Kin Hubbard
Nobody ever grew despondent looking for trouble.
I grew up thinking a bit of pushing and shoving was completely normal. Then I suddenly learned that if you kick another player, you get in trouble. Nobody had ever reprimanded me for that before.
I'm looking for trouble. A lot of people get to be a certain age and they just kind of lose interest or they give up. But I'm looking for trouble.
My grandparents - my mom's parents - they're Jewish. But nobody ever pushed religion onto us. It wasn't something I ever grew up with.
Nobody's going to go home for a year and come back. Nobody could ever enforce that. Nobody in their right mind would ever try to do it.
If reassurances could dull pain, nobody would ever go to the trouble of pressing grapes.
If Im diagnosed with cancer I might become despondent, but someone young might not, and they might need connections with somebody outside their circle of family because their family is so despondent.
If I'm diagnosed with cancer I might become despondent, but someone young might not, and they might need connections with somebody outside their circle of family because their family is so despondent.
The problem was I didn't have a mentor. Nobody ever sat me down and said, 'That's how life is. You're going to have trouble here or there.'
He has turned defensive boxing into a poetic art. Trouble is, nobody ever knocked anybody out with a poem.
The crazy thing is that when we go to somebody's house, what's better than looking at their bookshelves? Nobody's ever going to say, "Can I see the index to your Kindle?" It's so depressing and so unsexy. Sure, it's there, but nobody is going to get excited by that.
Ain't nobody ever had a jumpshot like mine, ain't nobody ever power moves like mine, ain't nobody ever tough defense like mine and ain't nobody ever had the courage to be a winner like me.
No relationship is easy, and nobody should ever think it is. The minute you start forgetting the needs of the other person is when you get in trouble.
If you don't believe inside yourself that you can learn a lot, nobody's ever going to do that for you. Nobody's ever gonna give you self drive. Nobody's ever gonna give you self esteem. Nobody's ever gonna give you your self worth. You have to set it for yourself.
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen: even less, the trouble I've successfully avoided.
I grew up in a house that had a whole lot of trouble. As much trouble as you could imagine.
The beachcomber goes looking for trouble, everything he finds is a sign of trouble. The writer is the same; without trouble he has nothing to work with, so he picks over the tide line, over the bits and pieces of people's lives with grim fascination.
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