A Quote by King Krule

A lot of people who have been perceiving my music have been trying to formulate a genre for it, and I think it's just a natural thing; it doesn't need to be categorized. It doesn't need to be sectioned, if you will.
When you're talking to a person, it only matters what they are perceiving. You only need them to perceive you as a loving husband. You don't necessarily need to be one. That's always a good road, if you actually are one. But what people are perceiving will dictate what their life is, and ultimately what your interaction is.
I've been with the same person for a very long time but I'm just non-conventional in that way. I don't think people need to be married. I think a lot of people need that piece of paper, but I don't think everybody needs that to feel secure.
I've been with the same person for a very long time but I'm just non-conventional in that way. I don't think people need to be married. I think a lot of people need that piece of paper, but I don't think everybody needs that to feel secure
I just prefer instrumental. I don't need to hear what other people are singing. And if I need music as a backdrop to work or to think, I need to have that part of the brain clear - I don't need people feeding their fantasies into my vision.
I think what we do is really, at times, a complicated thing. But at the end of the day it's so important that we make art for people that need to escape reality for a second. That's what music has always been for me. It's been a way to tap out of what's going on in my personal life.
You need music that is compelling and intellectual, but you also need music that just feels good and you can laugh about and dance to, and I think I'm trying to marry the two in some way.
I strongly believe that at this point in America's history, we need a president that will not just continue, even with a new face and with some changes and with some maverick aspects, who will not just continue, basically, the policies we have been following in recent years. I think we need a transformational figure. I think we need a president who is a generational change.
Reggae music is simple music - but it's from the heart. Just as people need water to drink, people also need music. If it is true music, the people will be drawn to it.
The thing is, right now the films don't need to be overtly political to be about our times. We also need films that are just human, that are about people. People need that, too. It's like we need to reconnect to what it is to be human. Not just what our political situation is. That's not what I'm thinking about exclusively. Human content is needed again, as it was in the '70s. I think films were more human than they've been since then.
I think that the world that was behind us has gone ahead. We need to run a lot to match that level. So we do not need to calculate. We just need to give it all in. And I have given myself in completely. I've been successful is pulling my entire government in. I believe that India is also committed to moving forward.
The artist thing is just natural. If that comes out, the music, the songs, I need some actual time which I dedicate to it. But I don't have to sit down eight hours a day in order to get out what I need to create. That is just always bubbeling inside and than evetually it just comes out.
You don't need any specialized education and you don't need to know anything about the world in which I work. I think my music should be able to speak to you even if you've never been to a concert of classical music before.
Honestly, I've been reading a lot of books on visual art. I've been reading a lot of books by Olivia Lang, I've been listening to a lot of folk and singer-songwriter music, but also a lot of electronic and really hard techno. I'm just trying to create something that pulls from everywhere and that hopefully feels unique.
I'm not really much of a genre guy. I think that audiences don't need that anymore where you just need a very specific genre. Audiences are very sophisticated, and as long as it's fun, it's okay and entertaining.
We have a lot of people that are oppressed. We have a lot of people that aren't treated equally, aren't given equal opportunities. Police brutality is a huge thing that needs to be addressed. There are a lot of issues that need to be talked about, need to be brought to life, and we need to fix those.
Fans decide what pop culture is. We can define ourselves. Music and the presentation of art nowadays is totally in our control, with the Internet specifically. You no longer need record labels. You no longer need movie distribution companies. You can just make it and put it online, and it will distribute itself to millions of people. The borders and everything have been broken down. It really is in the hands of the people.
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