A Quote by Kiran Desai

I feel as comfortable anywhere as I feel uncomfortable anywhere. — © Kiran Desai
I feel as comfortable anywhere as I feel uncomfortable anywhere.
I'm comfortable wherever I am, and I can be anywhere and feel comfortable after three weeks. I adapt, and I'm like a chameleon. If a country doesn't have Internet, then I get used to not having the Internet. I could basically live anywhere. I'm a nomad at heart. Nothing is more boring than monotony.
Always being the outsider, you... feel comfortable everywhere, but you don't really feel at home anywhere. I definitely draw comedy from that.
With my band, I feel comfortable anywhere in the world.
If you look good but don't feel comfortable you're not gonna feel good. But don't wear white socks anywhere.
I feel more comfortable in front of a camera than anywhere else.
You have to feel comfortable being uncomfortable. I'm always comfortable being uncomfortable. And to be comfortable being uncomfortable, I have to hone my discipline, which to me is doing what I have to do, but also doing it like I love it.
I would much rather feel comfortable and feel beautiful, than to feel uncomfortable, but look fantastic.
I don't really feel comfortable anywhere except when I'm working alone at home. It's exhausting to be out around people.
The sheer sensory experience of San Francisco is unlike anywhere else. Not just the physical beauty, but the textures, the feel, the wind, the ocean. It's a monumental feeling unrivaled by anywhere else. Its a world class, gorgeous city. And the coffee is great.
I am willing to go anywhere, anywhere, anywhere-provided it be forward.
I would really rather feel bad in Maine than feel good anywhere else
If it's something that I feel uncomfortable with, that's a reason for me to write it. I kind of like to make myself feel uncomfortable. I think if you're starting to feel uncomfortable with something when you're writing it, that's the reason really to push on with it.
I am between the Tories and the Lib Dems. I am fiscally conservative. I'm for strong foreign policy, but socially very liberal. I am not religious. That makes me feel uncomfortable with American Republicans. I don't feel at home anywhere, really. Labour under Tony Blair was not something I would associate myself with, but I didn't have a big problem with it. I have to make a choice between fiscal and the role of the state and social freedom.
I know many beautiful people and their lives are just so terrible. They feel so uncomfortable with themselves. Being comfortable is not about what you look like, but how you feel.
Do the uncomfortable. Become comfortable with these acts. Prove to yourself that your limiting beliefs die a quick death if you will simply do what you feel uncomfortable doing.
If I just wear something because I feel like myself and I'm comfortable, that's okay - and that goes even for more edgy things. But if I try too much, or if I even try, it doesn't work. It doesn't feel natural, and I feel very uncomfortable.
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