A Quote by Krysten Ritter

There's only one person for every job. You can try all you want, but if you're not right for it, you're not gonna get it. — © Krysten Ritter
There's only one person for every job. You can try all you want, but if you're not right for it, you're not gonna get it.
It's not right to believe that the only way you're gonna get a job and the only way you're gonna get a man or be happy is by being so skinny.
In most professions, if you stay at the office an extra four hours every day, you're gonna impress the boss. You're gonna get that promotion; you're gonna get that raise. You're gonna at least have job security. But with acting, if you're really ambitious and you have a good work ethic and are really good at your job, it might not really matter.
My only advice is to try to get the job that's most like the job you want, rather than the one that's more prestigious. Always try to be the talent.
I think that's what we don't understand as human beings is this is America. It's a democracy. Once we get whoever we want into the White House, even the person we want to get in the White House doesn't get in the White House. We have every right to not only criticize that person but demand that person does what it is we need to get done. That just happens with us mobilizing and us using our voices to talk to the mayors, the governors and the presidents.
Every person - we want to make sure that every person who wants a job will indeed get one.
It's funny, I talk to some of my friends and they don't want to to get a job at Starbucks. They don't want to get a job at, wherever, because they feel like it's below them. And I think the only thing that can be below you is to not have a job. Go work until you can get the job that you want to have.
You're not gonna win every outing. I don't mean game. You're not gonna beat everybody out for the top job. Sometimes you're gonna be the best, but you're not gonna get the gig because there are other factors, people making the decision might like somebody more than they like you. It's vicious. And you have to be totally, singularly focused on yourself. Not in a bad way.
I make films from the heart. I want to concentrate on the job of doing great and honest performances, and I'm gonna get better with every performance of mine, with every film of mine.
Anywhere you go, you're gonna have to compete. In life, you're gonna go get a job. You're gonna have to compete with the next person.
I'm gonna open a small restaurant on the beach in Mexico. We're only gonna have a few tables, and we're only gonna cook what's fresh that day. We're gonna get back to the basics.
You think your congressman is working all day to get you a job? He may want to. He or she is probably not a bad person. They probably want to do the right thing. But they can't.
I like to be right. I try not to miss the big ideas, forget the little ones, and try to get them right. End of job description.
Sometimes you're gonna write a song and it's not gonna be right from the beginning. And you're just gonna have to work through that wall. But if you know something is there, you've gotta just keep doing it until you get it right. So, I'll work on a song for three months if I have to, to get it right.
I didn't want wrestling anymore; I wanted to not want it. But I couldn't get a job anywhere, which was part of the reason I was homeless. I couldn't get a job pumping gas. I couldn't get a job working at a warehouse, I couldn't get a job at Baskin Robbins, I couldn't get a job anywhere.
I'm not naive, I know that bad things happen, but most people do the right thing most of the time. Most people wake up and they try to do what's right for their relationships, whether it's marriage or family. They try to do what's right for their job. They try to make a better world for those around them, and that's what I want to write about.
I'm gonna open a small restaurant on the beach in Mexico. We're only gonna have a few tables, and we're only gonna cook what's fresh that day. We're gonna get back to the basics... Real food for real people.
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