A Quote by Laila Ali

Pregnancy isn't 'I can eat whatever I want,' because you have to remember you're going to be stuck with a lot of that weight afterwards that you need to try to get off.
I try to eat healthy for the most part. When I cut weight, I cut pretty much everything out. I don't have protein when I cut weight other than what I might get from something like chicken breast. So I don't eat any extra protein, just because I'm trying to get the weight off. That's the only real diet I have.
For me to lose weight or maintain my weight is all about my diet, because I can come here and work two-and-a-half hours twice a day and if I get off my diet and eat like I normally eat, which is bad, I will gain weight.
I gained 60 pounds, and I'm proud of it. Why do I need to watch my weight when I'm pregnant? I could eat whatever the hell I want to eat.
I can eat whatever I want, and I don't get over 145 pounds. A lot of the guys who fight at 125 pounds, they get pretty big, and when it gets closer to the fight, they're walking around at 135 pounds. For me, I try to stay the same weight I typically walk around at.
I try to be really balanced. I walk a lot, I wear a Fitbit, and that has really been a game changer for me. I get my steps, I eat whatever I want, I go to France and put on my bread-and-butter suit. Then I'll be balanced, like I'm going to eat my salads for a few days. But I just try to be really balanced with my body. And that has been a good pact for me so far.
We're all addicted to sort of the habits of our lives. And we get stuck, and sometimes we'll get stuck because we had traumas that we don't want to remember.
Even after your fight on the night, you have loads of media you have to do and people expecting stuff from you and you want to make everyone proud. So afterwards I take three or four days off and I just want to eat and eat and eat.
I say that I'm genetically gifted. In a weight-governed sport, I don't put weight on because of my Polish 'heritage, it's genetic. Even when I am not in training, I don't put on weight. When I start training, I don't need to take a lot of weight off.
I love to eat a lot, but I try to eat healthy stuff. Especially when you're riding, sometimes I get hooked up with the cycling and when you're riding three, four, five hours, then you can put whatever you want in your body.
I was doing a show at the National Youth Theatre, playing an old man. Before that I had played fat clowns and I thought, 'If I want to have the career I would like, I am going to have to lose weight.' I was just starting drama school, and found I was moving around a lot. I also started to eat sensibly. The weight just dropped off.
What you have to remember, when you get to the level of seeing 10,000 people a night, is that they've all paid to have a performance. I need to make sure that they get their money's worth. I don't want to be going on stage and saying, "I'm just going to try some stuff and if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter," because it does matter.
Until I got the weight off, there was something inside of me that said, 'You hate yourself.' You get too depressed over the weight to really work on this. For whatever reason, I had to take the weight off to do this work.
I generally always eat what I want. I think when you work out a lot, you can afford to eat more because your body's metabolism is higher. I like healthy food and prefer that anyways, but if I want pizza or a can of Coca-Cola every once in a while, I'm going to have it. I just try to have a few slices, and that's it.
Normally after a game I want to eat something that I know is filling. Steak is one of my options for protein. For me, it's all about keeping my weight on. Because I'm more slender, I actually tend to lose weight during the season so I actually have to eat more so that I can keep the weight on.
I tried a few times, unsuccessfully, to lose weight. It wasn't until I joined Weight Watchers that I was finally able to do it. I went to meetings and my son came with me. The best thing was that I could eat what I wanted and still lose weight. Slow and steady, I was getting my pre-pregnancy body back.
There are people that regardless of what it is, if it's something that's stressful, whatever it may be, they don't eat, they lose a lot of weight, a divorce, they get real thin. I'm the opposite.
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