A Quote by Lane Kiffin

You know what I didn't realize at the time is a really good blessing, is that I was a really crappy player. — © Lane Kiffin
You know what I didn't realize at the time is a really good blessing, is that I was a really crappy player.
I know we're going to be connected for a long time, Kevin Durant and Greg Oden. He's a really, really good player. I'm a pretty decent player. So I hope things work out.
I actually had a really nice guitar as a teenager. I took jazz guitar, so my mom bought me this probably $1,600 guitar. But I got really into garage rock and local bands, and I noticed they played really crappy guitars. So I thought, 'Hey, I should get a crappy guitar, too!'
It makes you also realize, 'OK, I'm excited to play tennis, and I work really hard to be the best tennis player I think I can be,' but I don't waste my time on stupid stuff, you know what I mean.
When I was about 12, I wanted a CD player for Christmas, but instead my parents gave me a really crappy electric guitar.
I just had a really crappy time in school and I spent a lot of time writing songs and not doing work. I started talking to Noah - Panda Bear - about recording a really solid album, spending a lot of time on it to get it to sound exactly the way we wanted it to.
I think back when I was kind of a crappy writer, I really did know my time was better spent working and having adventures and seeing the world.
If you can have a really good coaching staff, and you can have a really good young quarterback and do a really good job in player personnel and string together multiple successful drafts, your window is not small in the NFL because of the quarterback.
You don't have to know anything about baseball to respond to Babe Ruth because he's just this magnificent human being. And a really good story because he was this kid who grew up essentially as an orphan, you know, had a tough life, and then he became the most successful baseball player ever. But he was also a really good guy.
You know, once you give birth, once you have kids, you realize what's important in life, and you realize it's really not difficult to be a good person. And so when people aren't good around me, I tend to move away from that. There are so many good people in the world, and you want to surround your children with that.
I always talk about being a team player, I think I'm really good team player. I was a big voice in the changing room before games and nothing really changed for me.
You're going to be waiting a long time before you start seeing money from it. Just really sit with yourself and think "Why do I want to be a singer?" like really think it out and if you realize that you really need to stick with then then be really focused and have good intentions on why you're doing it and it will work out.
The thing that can get confusing is you think, is this guy really a good player or does he just seem that way based on the way that they are playing. That takes longer to figure out, if they really are a good player or they just seem like one [bad].
I'd love to see an openly gay player, a really, really good gay player come out.
A lot of people may know my face and know that I'm a good player on the football field, but they probably don't really know me as a person.
What drives me is really just being able to be a blessing to someone, you know. I really enjoy that, and as much as I can do, I will.
It's a really crappy feeling to realize that your entire outook on your life can be controlled by some little pill that looks like a Pez, and that some weird combination of drugs can make your brain think it's on a holiday somewhere really sweet when you're standing naked in the middle of the school cafeteria while everyone takes pictures of you. Metaphorically. Or whatever.
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