A Quote by Laozi

The ancients said: Hulk to be whole. — © Laozi
The ancients said: Hulk to be whole.

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It seems like they conflate Bruce and the Hulk. It's usually, 'Hulk!' as I'm walking across the street. But sometimes it's 'Banner!' If you go on my Twitter feed, you'll see it's mostly Hulk. I think it was pretty spectacular what we were able to accomplish with CGI with 'The Hulk,' and I can't take full credit for that.
Some have narrowed their minds, and so fettered them with the chains of antiquity that not only do they refuse to speak save as the ancients spake, but they refuse to think save as the ancients thought. God speaks to us, too, and the best thoughts are those now being vouchsafed to us. We will excel the ancients!
I saw Hulk Hogan the other day in a parking lot, and I couldn't tell from a distance if it was Hulk Hogan or not. And I realized I've never had that dilemma before. I've always been able to tell immediately when looking at anybody if they were or were not Hulk Hogan.
I always admired Wonder Woman and the Incredible Hulk - but I don't know if I'd be a very convincing hulk.
The ancients, sir, are the ancients, and we are the people of today.
I very easily could have broke Hulk Hogan leg because I was the real shooter. Hulk was the bodybuilder guitar player.
The truth is, I've been the Hulk my whole life.
It's really interesting that, in 'The Avengers,' the character that people relate to is The Hulk, and I think the reason why they relate to The Hulk is because he's fragile and human and faulty.
I was a huge fan of the Incredible Hulk as a child. My parents nicknamed me Hulk as they thought I resembled the character. The name has stuck with me ever since.
People say wins and losses don't' matter. Yeah, they kind of do in a way because Hulk Hogan wouldn't have been Hulk Hogan had he lost all his matches.
The only thing Hulk Hogan ever knew was how to make Hulk Hogan. He couldn't tell you how to make AJ Styles or Samoa Joe. What's Hulk Hogan going to tell Samoa Joe? He doesn't know anything to even tell him; he's got zero to offer.
I've been having a lot of fun with the Hulk motion-capture stuff, actually. The only distinction that I hold is that I am the only actor to ever play Banner and the Hulk.
My character is just an extension of me. The in-ring work, the things that will always be said about me: Big, overbearing, powerful, in-your-face, couldn't wrestle - I never needed to wrestle. Why did I need to learn how to wrestle? Did Hulk Hogan need to learn how to wrestle? Nope. Is Hulk Hogan a good athlete? Nope.
I like the Hulk from 'Avengers.' Most people like Iron Man, but I like how the Hulk smashes everything.
I did my 'Hulk,' but it was not easy. If I do another Hulk film it will always be compared to the Ang Lee thing, and my first one... if I come back, I'd love to do another superhero, something different that I can really put my touch on.
Seek not the paths of the ancients; Seek that which the ancients sought.
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