A Quote by Lara Dutta

To be brutally honest, when you win a title like Miss Universe, your entire life turns topsy-turvy for one year. — © Lara Dutta
To be brutally honest, when you win a title like Miss Universe, your entire life turns topsy-turvy for one year.
Dare to turn life on its end, and you may find that topsy-turvy is a truer perspective than turvy-topsy.
Spirituality is a mixed-up, topsy-turvy, helter-skelter godliness that turns our lives into an upside-down toboggan ride of unexpected turns, surprise bumps and bone shattering crashes ... a life ruined by a Jesus who loves us right into his arms.
That poverty is no disaster is understood by everyone who has not yet succumbed to the madness of greed and luxury that turns everything topsy-turvy.
As for the topsy-turvy tangle known as soixante-neuf, personally I have always felt it to be madly confusing, like trying to pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time.
It was the saying of a great man, that if we could trace our descents, we should find all slaves to come from princes, and all princes from slaves; and fortune has turned all things topsy-turvy in a long series of revolutions; beside, for a man to spend his life in pursuit of a title, that serves only when he dies to furnish out an epitaph, is below a wise man's business.
When you are a player, a footballer, or a manager of a great club like Chelsea, you must play to win. To win. To win the title. Or to fight and, at the end, to compete with the other teams to win the title and reach your targets.
Let pessimism once take hold of the mind, and life is all topsy-turvy, all vanity and vexation of spirit. There is no cure for individual or social disorder, except in forgetfulness and annihilation.
People seem to be looking for discipline in a topsy-turvy world.
The world is such a blooming topsy-turvy, fragile, bleak place.
A friend at school was always being laughed at because his father emptied dustbins for a living. But those who laughed worshipped famous footballers. This is an example of our topsy-turvy view of 'success.' Who would we miss most if they did not work for a month, the footballer or the garbage collector?
The fountains of sacred rivers flow upwards (i.e., everything is turned topsy turvy).
Things went topsy-turvy when two of my dogs died all of a sudden due to a parvovirus attack.
Did you know, in the entire universe, we are the only intelligent life forms thought to have a Miss Universe contest?
As long as hope does not embrace and transform the thought and action of men, it remains topsy-turvy and ineffective.
There was a question in my mind, because I am black, if the fans would accept a black world champion. 'Bash at the Bash' was a topsy-turvy night. Finally, when the 1-2-3 came, the fans erupted. All my questions were answered; they really did want to see me win.
My book came out; and people began to think that topsy-turvy Louisa would amount to something after all.
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