A Quote by Lara Flynn Boyle

I've dated men my age, younger than me and older. The only difference is the young ones are quicker at taking out the garbage. — © Lara Flynn Boyle
I've dated men my age, younger than me and older. The only difference is the young ones are quicker at taking out the garbage.
I've been dating younger men since my 20s, When I was 29, I dated someone 21... younger men are just more fun. I like their energy. I've always been kind of young for my age.
I've never gone out with a guy who is older than me by more than a couple years. Usually it's my age, a little bit older, or even a little bit younger. But not a 15- or 20-year difference.
In my book tours I get to meet an audience every night. And I see that there are mostly young people, and there are a lot of more men than before, but always young, I don't get older men. As I'm getting older, my audience gets younger!
I turn 30 next month, and in my 20s, I've been in this limbo of being too old to play the young lead, and too young to play the 30, 35 - year - old. I've always had an older head on my shoulders because I've hung out with older people. I was in television shows with older actors, and when I was 15, 16, 17, I sat up in hotel lobby bars with older actors until the early hours of the morning hearing them tell stories. I've always been drawn to older characters and I've always struggled to get into the younger roles. It feels good to be finally getting to an age where I'm playing my age.
I have nothing against younger women and older men on screen. What is sad is that so many women over 40 who have so much to give aren't being considered to play opposite men their own age or younger.
Physically, we get older and then we die. Yet spiritually, whether we go backward or forward is a matter not of the body but of consciousness. When we think about age differently, then our experience of it changes. We can be physically older but emotionally and psychologically younger. Some of us were in a state of decay in our 20s and are in a state of re-birth in our 60s or 70s. King Solomon, who supposedly was the wisest of all men, described his youth as his winter and his advanced years as his summer. We can be older than we used to be yet feel much younger than we are.
I found a lot of guys my age and older were absolutely terrified of me. Younger men weren't.
I started golfing at a young age, and growing up with two older brothers, it made me mature a lot younger.
They think that I am a lot younger than I am. Everyone who meets me is always like, “Oh, are you the youngest sister?” “No, I'm older than Hilary.” I think it's just because I have never really played older than myself or even my own age yet.
When we first dated, I would not go home with Hef, so the only way that he could see me was by taking me out. We went out quite a bit.
If anything is a surprise then there is not much difference between older and younger because the only thing that does make anybody older is that they cannot be surprised.
One of the positives of getting older is that you forget your age. Then you find out that you're younger than you thought you were.
Comedy is essentially made by young men, or older men with some form of arrested development, for young men or immature older men.
One thing is certain the only thing that makes you younger or older is that nothing can happen that is different from what you expected and when that happens and it mostly does happen everything is different from what you expected then there is no difference between being younger or older.
There's one logical generational difference and that is that young women will have more chances to support a female president than older women. Older women feel it's their last chance, so that's just a factual, obvious difference. But other than that it depends on experience, on individual experience.
I think women with children are better than men. This is only my opinion. Might be 'cos me Mum brought me up. I think maternally, they just take to being a parent quicker than men.
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