A Quote by Larry Hogan

It doesn't matter to me if someone is a Republican or a Democrat, I'm going to be the governor for all Marylanders. — © Larry Hogan
It doesn't matter to me if someone is a Republican or a Democrat, I'm going to be the governor for all Marylanders.
It doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or Republican, we are going to legalize marijuana no matter what happens in ten years, because when 60% of the American public wants something, they're going to get it.
If someone were lying on the road dying would it matter to you who came to save you? If it was a Democrat or a Republican, would it matter?
I would argue that growing up in a Republican area actually makes me a lot more of a viable candidate than someone who is going to demonize and alienate someone who used to be a Republican or used to vote Republican.
I've run as a Democrat, but I was not a Democrat. And when I ran as a Republican, I was not a Republican. I was just utilizing the New Hampshire primary as a vehicle to put forward my satirical critique of the system.
It doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or Republican, if you're young or old, what the racial thing is, nothing matters to me.
As soon as a Democrat or a liberal organization opens their mouth and says "We want to see this," it's going to go over the heads. And same way on the abortion debate, if they want to make a change, it is not going to come from a Republican, it's going to have to come from a Democrat.
What is the difference between a Democrat and a Republican? A Democrat blows, a Republican sucks.
I'm very liberal in some ways, and then I'm very conservative in others. I once asked my grandpa, "Are you a Republican or a Democrat?" He said, "I'm a Democrat, but I'm saving up to be a Republican."
I was a Republican before Donald Trump was a Republican. I was a Republican when Donald Trump was a Democrat. I was a Republican when Donald Trump was an independent. And I'm going to be a Republican when Donald Trump gets tired of being a Republican.
Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, facts matter.
I'm calling my initiative take the other to lunch. If you are a Republican, you can take a Democrat to lunch or if you're a Democrat, think of it as taking a Republican to lunch because there is no shortage of the other right in your own neighborhood, maybe that person who worships at the mosque or the church or the synagogue down the street or someone from the other side of the abortion conflict - or maybe your brother-in-law who doesn't believe in global warming.
Jeb Bush is conservative governor,his record as governor is more conservative than any current republican governor in the country.
It doesn't matter if it's a Republican or a Democrat. If you do the right policies, you get economic growth.
If you're white and wealthy, Texas is a great place, however, no Texas governor Republican or Democrat is eager to raise taxes and without that you can't expand access to health care or decrease the cost of higher education.
It wasn't like anybody said, 'Oh, Ronald Reagan will have a landslide in 1980.' In fact, you look back at the Dukakis numbers, the Perot numbers, there was always this presumption that the Republican was going to lose. Not just that the Democrat would win, but that the Republican was going to lose.
It was interesting, when the Affordable Care Act passed, Arizona did it immediately, even though they had two Republican senators, a Republican governor, Republican legislature.
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