A Quote by Larry Wall

Portability should be the default. — © Larry Wall
Portability should be the default.
Portability of lots of information should not be underestimated.
We assume whiteness is the default because whiteness, historically, has been the default. This is one of the many reasons diverse representation matters so much. We need to change the default.
Writing a portable OS is not much harder than a nonportable one, and all systems should be written with portability in mind these days.
We should work toward a universal linked information system, in which generality and portability are more important than fancy graphics techniques and complex extra facilities.
I was able to use credit default swaps to protect not only my investments but the hundreds of jobs that exist because of my investment. I understand the dangers of credit default swaps and the benefits of credit default swaps.
I've already lived through a default and it's very hurtful for society. No one could want a default as a solution.
By creating the European Central Bank, the member states exposed their own government bonds to the risk of default. Developed countries that issue bonds in their own currency never default, because they can always print money. Their currency may depreciate, but the risk of default is absent.
Ephemeral should be the default.
Default choices often remain unchanged for no reason other than being the default, either because of this lack of information or humans' status quo bias.
Given our abundance, the burden of proof should always be on keeping, not giving. Why would you not give? We err by beginning with the assumption that we should keep or spend the money God entrusts to us. Giving should be the default choice. Unless there is a compelling reason to spend it or keep it, we should give it.
We're not going to default. We just won't default. I mean, there are ways of not defaulting even if you don't raise the debt ceiling, and even if you don't fund the government.
There is a difference between strategic or technical default and default where you really don't have the economy to support the spending. We are not at that point yet. We could be. We could be, like some European nations.
Credit default swap gives you something to do. You can buy some credit default swaps from them to protect yourself against the bankruptcy of people who owe you money.
Credit-default swaps remedied the problem of open-ended risk for me. If I bought a credit-default swap, my downside was defined and certain, and the upside was many multiples of it.
Happiness is the default state of mind, lets reconfigure to reach the default state !
We've never been anti-permanence. We just belief deletion should be the default.
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