A Quote by Lauren Oliver

Requiem has been controversial because people dont feel I gave it closure. — © Lauren Oliver
Requiem has been controversial because people dont feel I gave it closure.
'Requiem' has been controversial because people don't feel I gave it closure.
I've always been willing to take risks and chances. Often I'm on talk shows and hosts will ask 'How do you feel about it, when people say you're controversial?' And I say that, 'I think if I stop being controversial, I wouldn't be doing my job.
I've always been controversial because I offer new ideas. For me to be controversial, I think this is positive.
If Id lived prior to the 1980s, it would have been different, because I would have been playing to prove African Americans are equal. Now, I dont necessarily feel I have to play for black people, because obviously theyre doing everything in all sports. If I can go out there and play for myself and not feel I have to stand for something other than what I want to do, thats good.
I'm not interested in closure. Some people just have heart attacks and die, right? There's no closure.
When I was young, my mother [folk singer Kate McGarrigle] brought home this recording of Verdi's Requiem and we listened to it from top to bottom. By the end of it, I was a completely different person. It was literally a requiem mass for my former self. I was about 12 or 13. The Requiem just totally hooked into what I was going through emotionally - discovering my sexuality right at the time when AIDS was devastating my community and dealing with intense parental situations.
I dont know what it is about the open road that makes it so appealing. Maybe its because when youre headed somewhere, you dont have to be where youve already been.
I dont want to write a book; I dont want to go on T.V., because I stink at it. The only thing I have always been comfortable with is being in magazines.
I've always been called "controversial." I think if I were not controversial I wouldn't be doing my job.
You want to ensure people can do it right 99 percent of time. When we have to fire one of our surgical trainees, it is never because they dont have the physical skills but because they dont have the moral skills - to practise and admit failure.
The reason 'closure' is a cliche is that it is used too often, too imprecisely, and doesn't in any case reflect reality. In reality, such closure in broken friendships and much else in life is rarely achieved; only death brings closure and then not always for those still living.
Ive never understood having crushes on people who you dont know in real life. I only crush on people I meet. I mean, I can appreciate that someone is good-looking, obviously, but I dont intend to fantasize about people I dont know!
The Armenian Genocide is such a controversial and very sensitive issue because the Turkish and Armenian people disagree about the facts of what actually happened. I know how strongly Armenians feel about the Genocide, and how it's never been recognised. At the same time, I do not hold today's generation of people accountable.
I've never intended to be controversial but it's very easy to be controversial in pop music because nobody ever is.
I've never intended to be controversial, but it's very easy to be controversial in pop music because nobody ever is.
Sometimes people decide to write reports even though they haven't been to Guantanamo . And so I would just suggest that people look at some of the work that's been done by people who have been there. But that's not to say that we will not be very glad at the day that conditions permit the closure of Guantanamo and the trying of its inhabitants or for their release.
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