A Quote by Lawrence O'Donnell

Let`s be the Democrats we know we have always been. And maybe every once in a when an opposition that lets you get even more tougher and clear about what you`re about. I think that`s a good thing for Democrats.
The Republican Party has bent over backwards not even criticizing Democrats in hopes that people wouldn't think they're what the Democrats say they are, while the Democrats go out and behave that way times ten all the time every day and never get called on it.
Well, the economic recovery was successful even though the Democrats opposed the reforms every step of the way. And it is clear the Democrats have no clear plan to strengthen our economy, as Republicans do.
What the Democrats have done is tell the poor and the middle class that the Democrats are looking out for 'em. Democrats are gonna get even with those rich people. They're gonna get there, and they're gonna have theirs taken away. They're gonna lose theirs, and you're supposed to feel good about that. You, who are poor or middle class, are supposed to feel happy, not because you have any more than you had. You're supposed to be happy because the rich that you hate have finally been screwed like you think you were screwed.
Admittedly, no Republican can get elected statewide in California anymore, but nor can what we think of as, nationally, the Democratic Party. There are no Joe Bidens running; it is not working-class Democrats vs. liberal Democrats, or whatever their division is these days. It is Hispanic Democrats vs. Asian Democrats.
I used to think most Democrats in Congress who voted for [ObamaCare] really believed they were doing something good for the poor and the middle class. Now I wonder. It's crystal clear that just about everything President Barack Obama promised about his health plan was false, his deception deliberate. If Democrats really cared for the people harmed by the law, you'd think they'd admit their mistake, try to fix it. They haven't.
Democrats talk about programs like Social Security or Medicare, but it's not clear to most voters what Democrats' core moral values are.
I think Bernie Sanders understands better than anyone the chasm that exists between a Democratic - the Democrats and the Republicans when it comes to being there for America's working families, and that's what he's about, and that's what we're about as Democrats.
The Democrats are incapable of even being accused of violating political correctness, so they don't even worry about it. The Democrats have really grown accustomed, however, to Republicans not attacking, not criticizing them.
The Democrats are as much a part of the war machine as the Republicans. We can't let Democrats get off the hook because they're Democrats.
When the Democrats are attacked for [inciting class warfare] they shrink back. They don't say what obviously should be said, "Yes, there is class warfare. There has always been class warfare in this country." The reason the Democrats shrink back is because the Democrats and the Republicans are on the same side of the class war. They have slightly different takes. The Democrats are part of the upper class that is more willing to make concessions to the lower class in order to maintain their power.
I thought, "What the hell happened with James Comey ? Who did this? I mean, the only people clamoring for this are the Democrats! What the hell?" My initial reaction was, "Why do the Democrats get what they want in every damn one of these things?" Then I had to stop and catch myself. It's not just the Democrats. This is the Washington establishment. As I looked at it, digested more, I started reading this universal love and admiration for Robert Mueller. And I started saying, "Everybody's happy with this! This is the most acceptable outcome there could have been".
What the Democrats do with income inequality is punish the people at the top of whatever bracket we're talking about. If it's income, they want to raise taxes. They want to impugn, punish, institute more regulations, just make it tougher and tougher and do what they can to take money from them.
The Democrats, the longer they talk about identity politics, I got 'em. I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.
The Democrats were crushed in the midterm elections. The Republican juggernaut pounded the Democrats, and the pundits say they will not really know what happened to the Democrats until they find the black box.
One more point I`ll just make about [Michael] Flynn is that we`re already seeing, and we`ve seen Democrats come forward and start to express their opposition.
It's an old story; it's as old as our history. The difference between Democrats and Republicans has always been measured in courage and confidence. The Republicans believe that the wagon train will not make it to the frontier unless some of the old, some of the young, some of the weak, are left behind by the side of the trail. The strong, the strong they tell us, will inherit the land. We Democrats believe in something else. We Democrats believe that we can make it all the way with the whole family intact, and we have more than once.
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